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Is ‘Glicked’ the new ‘Barbenheimer’? ‘Wicked’ and ‘Gladiator II’ collide in theaters
December 16, 2024 This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlightedthe following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: fact-checked trusted source proofread by Nancy W. Stauffer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology As the world looks for ways to stop climate change, much discussion focuses on using hydrogen instead of fossil fuels, which emit climate-warming greenhouse gases (GHGs) when they're burned. The idea is appealing. Burning hydrogen doesn't emit GHGs to the atmosphere, and hydrogen is well-suited for a variety of uses, notably as a replacement for natural gas in industrial processes, power generation, and home heating. But while burning hydrogen won't emit GHGs, any hydrogen that's leaked from pipelines or storage or fueling facilities can indirectly cause climate change by affecting other compounds that are GHGs, including tropospheric ozone and methane , with methane impacts being the dominant effect. A much-cited 2022 modeling study analyzing hydrogen's effects on chemical compounds in the atmosphere concluded that these climate impacts could be considerable. Now, a team of MIT researchers has taken a more detailed look at the specific chemistry that poses the risks of using hydrogen as a fuel if it leaks. The researchers developed a model that tracks many more chemical reactions that may be affected by hydrogen and includes interactions among chemicals. Their results, published in Frontiers in Energy Research , showed that while the impact of leaked hydrogen on the climate wouldn't be as large as the 2022 study predicted, and that it would be about a third of the impact of any natural gas that escapes today—leaked hydrogen will impact the climate. Leak prevention should therefore be a top priority as the hydrogen infrastructure is built, state the researchers. Hydrogen's impact on the 'detergent' that cleans our atmosphere Global three-dimensional climate-chemistry models using a large number of chemical reactions have also been used to evaluate hydrogen's potential climate impacts, but results vary from one model to another, motivating the MIT study to analyze the chemistry. Most studies of the climate effects of using hydrogen consider only the GHGs that are emitted during the production of the hydrogen fuel. Different approaches may make "blue hydrogen" or "green hydrogen," a label that relates to the GHGs emitted. Regardless of the process used to make the hydrogen, the fuel itself can threaten the climate. For widespread use, hydrogen will need to be transported, distributed, and stored—in short, there will be many opportunities for leakage. The question is, what happens to that leaked hydrogen when it reaches the atmosphere? The 2022 study predicting large climate impacts from leaked hydrogen was based on reactions between pairs of just four chemical compounds in the atmosphere. The results showed that the hydrogen would deplete a chemical species that atmospheric chemists call the "detergent of the atmosphere," explains Candice Chen, a Ph.D. candidate in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS). "It goes around zapping greenhouse gases, pollutants, all sorts of bad things in the atmosphere. So it's cleaning our air," she adds. Best of all, that detergent—the hydroxyl radical, abbreviated as OH—removes methane, which is an extremely potent GHG in the atmosphere. OH thus plays an important role in slowing the rate at which global temperatures rise. But any hydrogen leaked to the atmosphere would reduce the amount of OH available to clean up methane, so the concentration of methane would increase. Discover the latest in science, tech, and space with over 100,000 subscribers who rely on Phys.org for daily insights. Sign up for our free newsletter and get updates on breakthroughs, innovations, and research that matter— daily or weekly . However, chemical reactions among compounds in the atmosphere are notoriously complicated. While the 2022 study used a "four-equation model," Chen and her colleagues—Susan Solomon, the Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Studies and Chemistry; and Kane Stone, a research scientist in EAPS—developed a model that includes 66 chemical reactions. Analyses using their 66-equation model showed that the four-equation system didn't capture a critical feedback involving OH—a feedback that acts to protect the methane-removal process. Here's how that feedback works: As the hydrogen decreases the concentration of OH, the cleanup of methane slows down, so the methane concentration increases. However, that methane undergoes chemical reactions that can produce new OH radicals. "So the methane that's being produced can make more of the OH detergent," says Chen. "There's a small countering effect. Indirectly, the methane helps produce the thing that's getting rid of it." That's a key difference between their 66-equation model and the four-equation one. "The simple model uses a constant value for the production of OH, so it misses that key OH-production feedback," she says. To explore the importance of including that feedback effect, the MIT researchers performed the following analysis: They assumed that a single pulse of hydrogen was injected into the atmosphere and predicted the change in methane concentration over the next 100 years, first using four-equation model and then using the 66-equation model. With the four-equation system, the additional methane concentration peaked at nearly 2 parts per billion (ppb); with the 66-equation system, it peaked at just over 1 ppb. Because the four-equation analysis assumes only that the injected hydrogen destroys the OH, the methane concentration increases unchecked for the first 10 years or so. In contrast, the 66-equation analysis goes one step further: the methane concentration does increase, but as the system re-equilibrates, more OH forms and removes methane. By not accounting for that feedback, the four-equation analysis overestimates the peak increase in methane due to the hydrogen pulse by about 85%. Spread over time, the simple model doubles the amount of methane that forms in response to the hydrogen pulse. Chen cautions that the point of their work is not to present their result as "a solid estimate" of the impact of hydrogen. Their analysis is based on a simple "box" model that represents global average conditions and assumes that all the chemical species present are well mixed. Thus, the species can vary over time—that is, they can be formed and destroyed—but any species that are present are always perfectly mixed. As a result, a box model does not account for the impact of, say, wind on the distribution of species. "The point we're trying to make is that you can go too simple," says Chen. "If you're going simpler than what we're representing, you will get further from the right answer. The utility of a relatively simple model like ours is that all of the knobs and levers are very clear. That means you can explore the system and see what affects a value of interest." Leaked hydrogen versus leaked natural gas: A climate comparison Burning natural gas produces fewer GHG emissions than does burning coal or oil; but as with hydrogen, any natural gas that's leaked from wells, pipelines, and processing facilities can have climate impacts, negating some of the perceived benefits of using natural gas in place of other fossil fuels. After all, natural gas consists largely of methane, the highly potent GHG in the atmosphere that's cleaned up by the OH detergent. Given its potency, even small leaks of methane can have a large climate impact. So when thinking about replacing natural gas fuel—essentially methane—with hydrogen fuel, it's important to consider how the climate impacts of the two fuels compare if and when they're leaked. The usual way to compare the climate impacts of two chemicals is using a measure called the global warming potential, or GWP. The GWP combines two measures: the radiative forcing of a gas—that is, its heat-trapping ability—with its lifetime in the atmosphere. Since the lifetimes of gases differ widely, to compare the climate impacts of two gases, the convention is to relate the GWP of each one to the GWP of carbon dioxide. But hydrogen and methane leakage cause increases in methane, and that methane decays according to its lifetime. Chen and her colleagues therefore realized that an unconventional procedure would work: they could compare the impacts of the two leaked gases directly. What they found was that the climate impact of hydrogen is about three times less than that of methane (on a per mass basis). So switching from natural gas to hydrogen would not only eliminate combustion emissions, but also potentially reduce the climate effects, depending on how much leaks. Key takeaways In summary, Chen highlights some of what she views as the key findings of the study. First on her list is the following: "We show that a really simple four-equation system is not what should be used to project out the atmospheric response to more hydrogen leakages in the future." The researchers believe that their 66-equation model is a good compromise for the number of chemical reactions to include. It generates estimates for the GWP of methane "pretty much in line with the lower end of the numbers that most other groups are getting using much more sophisticated climate chemistry models," says Chen. It's also sufficiently transparent to use in exploring various options for protecting the climate. Indeed, the MIT researchers plan to use their model to examine scenarios that involve replacing other fossil fuels with hydrogen to estimate the climate benefits of making the switch in coming decades. The study also demonstrates a valuable new way to compare the greenhouse effects of two gases. As long as their effects exist on similar time scales, a direct comparison is possible—and preferable to comparing each with carbon dioxide, which is extremely long-lived in the atmosphere. In this work, the direct comparison generates a simple look at the relative climate impacts of leaked hydrogen and leaked methane—valuable information to take into account when considering switching from natural gas to hydrogen. Finally, the researchers offer practical guidance for infrastructure development and use for both hydrogen and natural gas. Their analyses determine that hydrogen fuel itself has a "non-negligible" GWP, as does natural gas , which is mostly methane. Therefore, minimizing leakage of both fuels will be necessary to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the goal set by both the European Commission and the U.S. Department of State. Their paper concludes, "If used nearly leak-free, hydrogen is an excellent option. Otherwise, hydrogen should only be a temporary step in the energy transition, or it must be used in tandem with carbon-removal steps [elsewhere] to counter its warming effects." More information: Candice Chen et al, On the chemistry of the global warming potential of hydrogen, Frontiers in Energy Research (2024). DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2024.1463450 Provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology This story is republished courtesy of MIT News ( web.mit.edu/newsoffice/ ), a popular site that covers news about MIT research, innovation and teaching.None
WASHINGTON — Nearly 100 former senior U.S. diplomats and intelligence and national security officials have urged Senate leaders to schedule closed-door hearings to allow for a full review of the government’s files on former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Donald Trump’s pick to be national intelligence director. The former officials, who served in both Democratic and Republican administrations, said they were “alarmed” by the choice of Gabbard to oversee all 18 U.S. intelligence agencies. They said her past actions “call into question her ability to deliver unbiased intelligence briefings to the President, Congress, and to the entire national security apparatus.” A spokesperson for Gabbard on the Trump transition team on Thursday denounced the appeal as an “unfounded” and “partisan” attack. Avril Haines, the current director of national intelligence, when asked Thursday whether intelligence sharing with allies could be in jeopardy under the next administration, cited the importance of those relationships and noted the strong bipartisan support for them in Congress. The question, at a Council on Foreign Relations talk, focused on the especially close intelligence sharing among the Five Eyes — the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It did not mention Gabbard by name. “It is hard for me to believe that anybody coming in wouldn’t want to maintain those relationships,” Haines said. “So I wouldn’t think of them as being in significant risk,” she added. “I certainly hope that will continue.” Among those who signed the letter to Senate leaders were former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, former NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller, former national security adviser Anthony Lake, and numerous retired ambassadors and high-ranking military officers. They wrote to current Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and incoming Republican Majority Leader John Thune on Wednesday to urge the closed briefings as part of the Senate’s review of Trump’s top appointments. They requested that Senate committees “consider in closed sessions all information available to the U.S. government when considering Ms. Gabbard’s qualifications to manage our country’s intelligence agencies, and more importantly, the protection of our intelligence sources and methods.” The letter singles out Gabbard’s 2017 meetings in Syria with President Bashar Assad, who is supported by Russian, Iranian and Iranian-allied forces in a now 13-year war against Syrian opposition forces seeking his overthrow. The U.S., which cut relations with Assad’s government and imposed sanctions over his conduct of the war, maintains about 900 troops in opposition-controlled northeast Syria, saying they are needed to block a resurgence of extremist groups. Gabbard, a Democratic member of Congress from Hawaii at the time of her Syria trip, drew heavy criticism for her meetings with a U.S. adversary and brutal leader. As the letter notes, her statements on the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine have aligned with Russian talking points, diverging from U.S. positions and policy. Gabbard throughout her political career has urged the U.S. to limit military engagement abroad other than combatting Islamic extremist groups. She has defended the Syria trip by saying it is necessary to engage with U.S. enemies. In postings on social media earlier this year she confirmed that the U.S. had for a time placed her “on a secret terror watch list” as a “potential domestic terror threat.” She blamed political retaliation. Neither she nor U.S. authorities have publicly detailed the circumstances involved. Alexa Henning, a spokesperson for Gabbard with the Trump team, called the letter sent to the Senate leaders “a perfect example” of why Trump chose Gabbard for this position. “These unfounded attacks are from the same geniuses who have blood on their hands from decades of faulty ‘intelligence,’” and use classified government information as a “partisan weapon to smear and imply things about their political enemy,” Henning said. A spokesperson for Thune did not immediately respond to questions about the request.An Ole Miss student exchanged messages with the man now on trial in his killing, police say
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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, the saying goes. I’m not aware of any such sainthood restrictions on casting the 100th stone so I’m going to proceed despite my own laundry list of sins. Matt Gaetz, is just the latest in a long line of politicians being revealed to be immoral deviants. These politicians often preach to us and express indignation at some perceived moral failure while they themselves behave like greedy, perverse hyenas prone to debauchery behind closed doors. The list of politicians who have demonstrated unethical behavior keeps growing. It seems like every month we get several reports of how some government officials have violated our trust, yet not much is ever done about it. Even in clear cut cases where a politician has straightforwardly acted unethically, they often go unpunished and promptly re-elected. Look at almost any case of some official being guilty of misconduct and you’ll undoubtedly also be able to quickly dig up numerous instances of them vigorously feigning adherence to moral decency and accusing others of failing to do so for one reason or another. Sure enough, Matt Gaetz has repeatedly accused other members of Congress of unethical behavior, while faking moral superiority. A few days before being forced to withdraw his name for Attorney General, he said on Twitter, “Stock trading is such a huge part of congress. It shouldn’t be. I can’t wait to tell all these stories of corruption, treason and betrayal.” His umbrage was obviously a complete fabrication. It’s clear that he withdrew his name from contention for Attorney General because he wanted to avoid the release of the ethics report. He has been investigated for sex trafficking, having sex with a minor, misusing campaign funds, paying for prostitutes, and inappropriately receiving gifts. The release of the ethics report on Monday revealed that the House Ethics Committee had “substantial” evidence that he paid to have sex with a minor and regularly solicited prostitutes, among several other crimes. What do we expect when we elect someone who looks like a cartoon villain? In response to the revelation that he made Venmo and PayPal payments to prostitutes, Gaetz said, “In my single days, I often sent funds to women I dated – even some I never dated but who asked.” He expected us to believe this but his subsequent actions do not sound like those of an innocent man. If he was innocent, why would he withdraw as the AG nominee? An innocent man would probably not threaten other members of Congress with making revelations about their use of public funds to settle sexual misconduct accusations. We shouldn’t find it hard to believe that what Gaetz claims of other Congress members is true, but the fact that he never disclosed this is an indication of his lack of integrity and of the depth of the depravity in Congress. If Gaetz knows of these abuses, surely other politicians know of it as well and they haven’t exposed it either. They protect each other to protect this system that they’re a part of, and why wouldn’t they protect it when it is so personally rewarding to them. Nancy Pelosi has understandably drawn criticism for her husband making Nostradamus jealous with his fortuitous stock trading decisions. She has even said that she would be willing to support a ban on stock trading for members of Congress. This is mighty decent of her, although legislation of the sort that would have any chance of passing would only ban members of Congress from trading, not their family members – a mere symbolic concession to distract. Related Articles Opinion Columnists | California’s prohibitively expensive recounts are unfair and bad for public trust Opinion Columnists | Democrats really don’t understand democracy, or why they lost the presidential election Opinion Columnists | How Trump handles the U.S.–Mexico relationship is vital, for the U.S. and California Opinion Columnists | Dockworker unions need to be forced to accept reality. Automation is coming and that’s a good thing. Opinion Columnists | Gavin Newsom speaks loudly, but carries a very small stick It is well known that politicians use information that is not available to the public to make very profitable investment decisions, but nothing is done about it. For all the moralistic preaching that they do, they do nothing about the unethical behavior that is going on around them and instead happily take part in it. Most alarmingly, we do not have a good system to catch and expose unethical behaviors in Congress because the deviants are left to police themselves – this means that we’re only hearing about a small percentage of the total cases of misconduct – only instances whose revelation happens to promote party goals. The parties in Congress rarely have an incentive to investigate or punish members of the opposing party because doing so would prompt a retaliation from the other party. It’s mutually assured destruction, which produces a truce between politicians: you don’t tell on me and I won’t tell on you. Here’s hoping that Gaetz reciprocates with a violation of the truce himself by exposing his fellow perverts in Congress. Rafael Perez is a columnist for the Southern California News Group. He is a doctoral candidate in philosophy at the University of Rochester. You can reach him at rafaelperezocregister@gmail.com.None
President-elect Trump wants to again rename North America's tallest peak
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" To keep reading, please log in to your account, create a free account, or simply fill out the form below.Electrovaya Inc. Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Shares and Files Preliminary Prospectus Supplement
ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fluence Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FLNC) (“Fluence” or the “Company”), a global market leader delivering intelligent energy storage, operational services, and asset optimization software, today announced the completion of the previously announced offering of $400.0 million aggregate principal amount of 2.25% convertible senior notes due 2030 (the “Notes”). Fluence also granted the initial purchasers of the Notes an option to purchase, for settlement within a period of 13 days from, and including, the date the Notes are first issued, up to an additional $50.0 million aggregate principal amount of the Notes. The Notes issued on December 12, 2024 include $50.0 million principal amount of Notes issued pursuant to the full exercise by the initial purchasers of their option to purchase additional Notes. The Notes will be senior, unsecured obligations of Fluence, will accrue interest payable semi-annually in arrears and will mature on June 15, 2030, unless earlier repurchased, redeemed or converted. On December 10, 2024, in connection with the pricing of the Notes, the Company entered into privately negotiated capped call transactions (the “base capped call transactions”) with one or more of the initial purchasers and/or their respective affiliates and/or other financial institutions (the “counterparties”). In addition, on December 11, 2024, in connection with the initial purchasers’ exercise of their option to purchase additional Notes, the Company entered into additional capped call transactions (the “additional capped call transactions” and, together with the base capped call transactions, (the “capped call transactions") with the counterparties. The capped call transactions cover, subject to customary adjustments, the number of shares of the Company’s Class A common stock that will initially underlie the Notes. The cap price of the capped call transactions represents a premium over the last reported sale price of the Company’s Class A common stock on the pricing date of the offering of the Notes. The capped call transactions are generally expected to offset the potential dilution to the Class A common stock and/or offset any cash payments the Company is required to make in excess of the principal amount of converted Notes, with such offset subject to a cap, as the case may be, as a result of any conversion of the Notes. In connection with establishing their initial hedge of these capped call transactions, the Company has been advised that the counterparties (i) may enter into various over-the-counter cash-settled derivative transactions with respect to the Class A common stock and/or purchase the Class A common stock in secondary market transactions concurrently with, or shortly after, the pricing of the Notes; and (ii) may enter into or unwind various over-the-counter derivatives and/or purchase the Class A common stock in secondary market transactions following the pricing of the Notes. These activities could have the effect of increasing or preventing a decline in the price of the Class A common stock concurrently with or following the pricing of the Notes and under certain circumstances, could affect the ability to convert the Notes. In addition, we expect that the counterparties may modify or unwind their hedge positions by entering into or unwinding various derivative transactions and/or purchasing or selling the Class A common stock or other securities of the Company in secondary market transactions following the pricing of the Notes and prior to maturity of the Notes (and are likely to do so (x) during any observation period related to a conversion of the Notes or following any redemption or fundamental change repurchase of the Notes, (y) following any other repurchase of the Notes if the Company unwinds a corresponding portion of the capped call transactions in connection with such repurchase and (z) if the Company otherwise unwinds all or a portion of the capped call transactions). The effect, if any, of these transactions and activities on the market price of the Class A common stock or the Notes will depend in part on market conditions and cannot be ascertained at this time, but any of these activities could adversely affect the value of the Class A common stock and the value of the Notes, and potentially the value of the consideration that a noteholder will receive upon the conversion of the Notes and could affect a noteholder’s ability to convert the Notes. Fluence used a portion of the net proceeds from the offering to fund the cost of entering into the capped call transactions. Fluence intends to transfer the remaining net proceeds of the offering directly to purchase an intercompany subordinated convertible promissory note issued by Fluence Energy, LLC, the proceeds of which Fluence Energy, LLC intends to use for working capital needs, upgrading one of its battery cell production lines from 305 amp hour cells to 530 amp hour cells, and general corporate purposes. The offer and sale of the Notes and any shares of Class A common stock issuable upon conversion of the Notes have not been, and will not, be registered under the Securities Act or any other securities laws, and the Notes and any such shares cannot be offered or sold except to persons reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers in reliance on the exemption from registration provided by Rule 144A under the Securities Act. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, the Notes or any shares of Class A common stock issuable upon conversion of the Notes, nor shall there be any sale of the Notes or any such shares, in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. Any offers of the Notes will be made only by means of a private offering memorandum. About Fluence: Fluence Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: FLNC) is a global market leader delivering intelligent energy storage and optimization software for renewables and storage. The Company’s solutions and operational services are helping to create a more resilient grid and unlock the full potential of renewable portfolios. With gigawatts of projects successfully contracted, deployed and under management across nearly 50 markets, the Company is transforming the way we power our world for a more sustainable future. Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements The statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In particular, statements regarding the consummation of the offering of the Notes, the consummation of the capped calls transactions, our future results of operations and financial position, operational performance, anticipated growth and business strategy, future revenue recognition and estimated revenues, future capital expenditures and debt service obligations, projected costs, prospects, plans, and objectives of management for future operations, including, among others, statements regarding expected growth and demand for our energy storage solutions, services, and digital application offerings, relationships with new and existing customers and suppliers, introduction of new energy storage solutions, services, and digital application offerings and adoption of such offerings by customers, assumptions relating to the Company’s tax receivable agreement, expectations relating to backlog, pipeline, and contracted backlog, current expectations relating to legal proceedings, and anticipated impact and benefits from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and related domestic content guidelines on us and our customers as well as any other proposed or recently enacted legislation, are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you may identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “could,” “seeks,” “intends,” “targets,” “projects,” “contemplates,” “grows,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential”, “commits”, or “continue” or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. Accordingly, we caution you that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, assumptions, and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Among those risks and uncertainties are market conditions and the consummation of the offering of the Notes and the consummation of the capped calls transactions. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date made, actual results may prove to be materially different from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, our relatively limited operating and revenue history as an independent entity and the nascent clean energy industry; anticipated increasing expenses in the future and our ability to maintain prolonged profitability; fluctuations of our order intake and results of operations across fiscal periods; potential difficulties in maintaining manufacturing capacity and establishing expected mass manufacturing capacity in the future; risks relating to delays, disruptions, and quality control problems in our manufacturing operations; risks relating to quality and quantity of components provided by suppliers; risks relating to our status as a relatively low-volume purchaser as well as from supplier concentration and limited supplier capacity; risks relating to operating as a global company with a global supply chain; changes in the cost and availability of raw materials and underlying components; failure by manufacturers, vendors, and suppliers to use ethical business practices and comply with applicable laws and regulations; significant reduction in pricing or order volume or loss of one or more of our significant customers or their inability to perform under their contracts; risks relating to competition for our offerings and our ability to attract new customers and retain existing customers; ability to maintain and enhance our reputation and brand recognition; ability to effectively manage our recent and future growth and expansion of our business and operations; our growth depends in part on the success of our relationships with third parties; ability to attract and retain highly qualified personnel; risks associated with engineering and construction, utility interconnection, commissioning and installation of our energy storage solutions and products, cost overruns, and delays; risks relating to lengthy sales and installation cycle for our energy storage solutions; risks related to defects, errors, vulnerabilities and/or bugs in our products and technology; risks relating to estimation uncertainty related to our product warranties; fluctuations in currency exchange rates; risks related to our current and planned foreign operations; amounts included in our pipeline and contracted backlog may not result in actual revenue or translate into profits; risks related to acquisitions we have made or that we may pursue; events and incidents relating to storage, delivery, installation, operation, maintenance and shutdowns of our products; risks relating to our impacts to our customer relationships due to events and incidents during the project lifecycle of an energy storage solution; actual or threatened health epidemics, pandemics or similar public health threats; ability to obtain financial assurances for our projects; risks relating to whether renewable energy technologies are suitable for widespread adoption or if sufficient demand for our offerings do not develop or takes longer to develop than we anticipate; estimates on size of our total addressable market; barriers arising from current electric utility industry policies and regulations and any subsequent changes; risks relating to the cost of electricity available from alternative sources; macroeconomic uncertainty and market conditions; risk relating to interest rates or a reduction in the availability of tax equity or project debt capital in the global financial markets and corresponding effects on customers’ ability to finance energy storage systems and demand for our energy storage solutions; reduction, elimination, or expiration of government incentives or regulations regarding renewable energy; decline in public acceptance of renewable energy, or delay, prevent, or increase in the cost of customer projects; severe weather events; increased attention to ESG matters; restrictions set forth in our current credit agreement and future debt agreements; uncertain ability to raise additional capital to execute on business opportunities; ability to obtain, maintain and enforce proper protection for our intellectual property, including our technology; threat of lawsuits by third parties alleging intellectual property violations; adequate protection for our trademarks and trade names; ability to enforce our intellectual property rights; risks relating to our patent portfolio; ability to effectively protect data integrity of our technology infrastructure and other business systems; use of open-source software; failure to comply with third party license or technology agreements; inability to license rights to use technologies on reasonable terms; risks relating to compromises, interruptions, or shutdowns of our systems; changes in the global trade environment; potential changes in tax laws or regulations; risks relating to environmental, health, and safety laws and potential obligations, liabilities and costs thereunder; failure to comply with data privacy and data security laws, regulations and industry standards; risks relating to potential future legal proceedings, regulatory disputes, and governmental inquiries; risks related to ownership of our Class A common stock; risks related to us being a “controlled company” within the meaning of the NASDAQ rules; risks relating to the terms of our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws; risks relating to our relationship with our Founders and Continuing Equity Owners; risks relating to conflicts of interest by our officers and directors due to positions with Continuing Equity Owners; risks related to short-seller activists; we depend on distributions from Fluence Energy, LLC to pay our taxes and expenses and Fluence Energy, LLC’s ability to make such distributions may be limited or restricted in certain scenarios; risks arising out of the Tax Receivable Agreement; unanticipated changes in effective tax rates or adverse outcomes resulting from examination of tax returns; risks relating to improper and ineffective internal control over reporting to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Act; risks relating to changes in accounting principles or their applicability to us; risks relating to estimates or judgments relating to our critical accounting policies; and the factors described under the headings Part I, Item 1A. “Risk Factors” and Item 7. “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024. If one or more events related to these or other risks or uncertainties materialize, or if our underlying assumptions prove to be incorrect, actual results may differ materially from what we anticipate. Many of the important factors that will determine these results are beyond our ability to control or predict. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. We qualify all forward-looking statements contained in this press release by these cautionary statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made, and, except as otherwise required by law, we do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict which will arise. In addition, we cannot assess the impact of each factor on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Contacts: Analyst Lexington May, Vice President, Finance & Investor Relations +1 713-909-5629 Email: InvestorRelations@fluenceenergy.com Media Email: media.na@fluenceenergy.com
Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem says the central bank is preparing for a future that looks more uncertain and more prone to shocks. In a speech to the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade, he said Monday structural changes are underway in the world including demographic shifts, technological changes, decarbonization and a move away from globalization. “We need to use the pandemic experience to prepare for future crises,” Macklem said in a prepared text of his speech. To that end, Macklem says the Bank of Canada is working to learn what it can from how the economy reacted to the pandemic and in its aftermath. The Bank of Canada is conducting a review of the policy actions it took to restore financial stability and support the economy during the pandemic that it plans to publish along with an assessment of an independent panel of experts. Macklem said the spike in inflation in 2022 was a reminder that even though inflation was relatively low and stable for 30 years leading up to the pandemic, central banks cannot take public trust for granted. “All of a sudden, people couldn’t afford the things they need. And while inflation is low once again, many prices are still a lot higher than they were before the pandemic. So people feel ripped off. And that erodes public trust in our economic system,” he said in his speech. The Bank of Canada has cut its key policy interest rate five times this year including last week when it reduced the benchmark by a half a percentage point to 3.25 per cent. Macklem says the bank will be evaluating the need for further reductions in the policy rate one decision at a time and anticipates a more gradual approach to monetary policy if the economy evolves as expected. Statistics Canada reported last month that the annual inflation rate was two per cent in Ontario, hitting the Bank of Canada’s target. The speech by Macklem came ahead of the release of the November inflation report on Tuesday. This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 16, 2024. The Canadian Press“Barbenheimer” was a phenomenon impossible to manufacture. But, more than a year later, that hasn’t stopped people from trying to make “Glicked” — or even “Babyratu” — happen. The counterprogramming of “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” in July 2023 hit a nerve culturally and had the receipts to back it up. Unlike so many things that begin as memes, it transcended its online beginnings. Instead of an either-or, the two movies ultimately complemented and boosted one another at the box office. This combination of images shows promotional art for "Gladiator II," left, and "Wicked." And ever since, moviegoers, marketers and meme makers have been trying to recreate that moment, searching the movie release schedule for odd mashups and sending candidates off into the social media void. Most attempts have fizzled (sorry, “Saw Patrol” ). This weekend is perhaps the closest approximation yet as the Broadway musical adaptation “Wicked” opens Friday against the chest-thumping sword-and-sandals epic “Gladiator II.” Two big studio releases (Universal and Paramount), with one-name titles, opposite tones and aesthetics and big blockbuster energy — it was already halfway there before the name game began: “Wickiator,” “Wadiator,” “Gladwick” and even the eyebrow raising “Gladicked” have all been suggested. “'Glicked' rolls off the tongue a little bit more,” actor Fred Hechinger said at the New York screening of “Gladiator II” this week. “I think we should all band around ‘Glicked.’ It gets too confusing if you have four or five different names for it.” As with “Barbenheimer," as reductive as it might seem, “Glicked” also has the male/female divide that make the fan art extra silly. One is pink and bright and awash in sparkles, tulle, Broadway bangers and brand tie-ins; The other is all sweat and sand, blood and bulging muscles. Both films topped Fandango’s most anticipated holiday movie survey, where 65% of respondents said that they were interested in the “Glicked” double feature. Theaters big and small are also pulling out the stops with movie-themed tie-ins. B&B Theaters will have Roman guards tearing tickets at some locations and Maximus popcorn tubs. Marcus Theaters is doing Oz photo ops and friendship bracelet-making. Alamo Drafthouse is leaning into the singalong aspect (beware, though, not all theaters are embracing this) and the punny drinks like “Defying Gravi-Tea.” This image released by Universal Pictures shows Cynthia Erivo, left, and Ariana Grande in a scene from the film "Wicked." “Rather than it being in competition, I think they’re in conversation,” “Gladiator II” star Paul Mescal said. “This industry needs a shot in the arm. Those films gave it last year. We hope to do it this year.” And the hope is that audiences will flock to theaters to be part of this moment as well. It's a sorely needed influx of could-be blockbusters into a marketplace that's still at an 11% deficit from last year and down 27.2% from 2019, according to data from Comscore. “Competition is good for the marketplace. It’s good for consumers,” said Michael O'Leary, the president and CEO of the National Association of Theatre Owners. “Having two great movies coming out at the same time is simply a multiplier effect.” “Glicked” is currently tracking for a combined North American debut in the $165 million range, with “Wicked” forecast to earn around $100 million (up from the $80 million estimates a few weeks ago) and “Gladiator II” pegged for the $65 million range. “Barbenheimer” shattered its projections last July. Going into that weekend, “Barbie” had been pegged for $90 million and “Oppenheimer” around $40 million. Ultimately, they brought in a combined $244 million in that first outing, and nearly $2.4 billion by the end of their runs. It’s possible “Glicked” will exceed expectations, too. And it has the advantage of another behemoth coming close behind: “Moana 2,” which opens just five days later on the Wednesday before the Thanksgiving holiday. “Glickedana” triple feature anyone? This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Pedro Pascal, left, and Paul Mescal in a scene from "Gladiator II." “These are 10 important days,” O'Leary said. “It’s going to show the moviegoing audience that there’s a lot of compelling stuff out there for them to see.” There are infinite caveats to the imperfect comparison to “Barbenheimer,” as well. “Wicked” is a “Part One.” Musicals carry their own baggage with moviegoers, even those based on wildly successful productions (ahem, “Cats”). “Gladiator II” got a head start and opened internationally last weekend. In fact, in the U.K. it played alongside “Paddington in Peru,” where that double was pegged “Gladdington.” “Gladiator” reviews, while positive, are a little more divided than the others. And neither directors Ridley Scott nor Jon M. Chu has the built-in box office cache that Christopher Nolan’s name alone carries at the moment. The new films also cost more than “Barbie” ($145 million) and “Oppenheimer” ($100 million). According to reports, “Gladiator II” had a $250 million price tag; “Wicked” reportedly cost $150 million to produce (and that does not include the cost of the second film, due next year). The narrative, though, has shifted away from “who will win the weekend.” Earlier this year, Chu told The Associated Press that he loves that this is a moment where “we can root for all movies all the time.” Close behind are a bevy of Christmas releases with double feature potential, but those feel a little more niche. There’s the remake of “Nosferatu,” the Nicole Kidman kink pic “Babygirl” and the Bob Dylan biopic “A Complete Unknown.” The internet can’t even seem to decide on its angle for that batch of contenders, and none exactly screams blockbuster. Sometimes the joy is just in the game, however. Some are sticking with the one-name mashup (“Babyratu”); others are suggesting that the fact that two of the movies feature real-life exes (Timothée Chalamet and Lily-Rose Depp) is enough reason for a double feature. And getting people talking is half the battle. When in doubt, or lacking a catchy name, there’s always the default: “This is my Barbenheimer.” Associated Press journalist John Carucci and Film Writer Jake Coyle contributed reporting. Last summer, Malibu's iconic blonde faced off against Cillian Murphy and the hydrogen bomb in the unforgettable "Barbenheimer" double feature. Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Stay up-to-date on what's happening Receive the latest in local entertainment news in your inbox weekly!
In addition to networking opportunities, the summit also offers workshops and training sessions on topics such as international shipping, marketing strategies for different regions, and navigating customs regulations. These resources are invaluable for businesses looking to overcome the challenges of selling in foreign markets and maximize their success on a global scale.The stock ( ) suffered a significant sell-off in 2024. It's down 38% since January 2024 (as shown below). I'm asking myself whether this is the right time to pounce on the beaten-up stock. It's normal for commodity businesses to go through ups and downs because they are exposed to the volatility of . Nearly all of Fortescue's revenue is generated by selling iron ore to China, so the iron ore price is key to the company's success. Let's consider the latest developments with the resource and how they impact my view on the value offered by the Fortescue share price. According to , the iron ore price recently rose above US$104 per tonne because Chinese steel mills are increasing their stockpiles with expectations of increased activity in the Chinese spring. It was noted that the iron ore price had fallen during winter because there was less manufacturing activity in the off-season, which led to a three-month low of output at the major steel mills. I believe the Fortescue share price suffered so much in 2024 because the iron price fell from above US$140 per tonne at the start of the year to where it is today. China's this year. In previous years, I have taken the opportunity to buy Fortescue shares when iron ore conditions were tough. So, perhaps now a good time to consider the . I have followed the old investment saying of 'buying low and selling high' with Fortescue. I decided to in July for a tidy capital gain (and the big significantly boosted my returns during my ownership). However, I'm less confident in this resources giant than I was three years ago for three reasons. First, global , which could be a headwind for the iron ore price if global demand doesn't match the increase. The huge in Africa is getting closer to completion, which could be a setback for the possible recovery of Fortescue's share price and profit. Second, Fortescue has , at least in the short term. I was previously attracted to the diversification that the green energy efforts could create, but this segment now isn't as appealing to me if it's going to be smaller than I anticipated. Third, with the iron ore price still above US$100 per tonne, conditions aren't quite as weak as I like them to be to invest. There is no financial 'rule' that says the iron ore price will drop below US$100 per tonne, but that's the trigger point where I start being interested because it normally corresponds with a lower Fortescue share price. If President , it could hurt the Chinese economy. The miner's valuation could fall further in 2025 if the iron ore price drops, which may be the right time to buy, but I'm not rushing to my share broker to invest today.
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Franco Colapinto ’s commercial appeal could be the key to landing the 21-year-old a drive alongside Max Verstappen for the 2025 campaign. The Argentinian racer is battling Liam Lawson , Yuki Tsunoda and Sergio Perez for the final Red Bull seat. Earlier this summer, Colapinto was a relative unknown to casual F1 fans, but after scoring points in two of his first four races on the grid since replacing Logan Sargeant , his stock has boomed in the paddock. Williams have already secured their 2025 line-up with Carlos Sainz and Alex Albon , so Colapinto is looking elsewhere for a full-time opportunity. The Red Bull system looks like his most likely landing spot, and according to reports, Christian Horner is weighing up throwing him straight into the deep end. If he is to secure a Red Bull seat for 2025, sponsorship could play a major role. Colapinto has captured the hearts of Argentina’s passionate and vast motorsport fanbase, and with this has come significant commercial gains for Williams and unprecedented social media interaction. This is a major advantage he has over Lawson and Tsunoda. For the Latin American leg of the season, the Williams cars were adorned with striking yellow panels after a partnership was reached with e-commerce giant Mercado Libre back in August, following Colapinto’s arrival. Some reports state that Carlos Slim - formerly the richest man in the world, and current backer of Perez - is interested in discussing financial support for Colapinto. This would no doubt be appealing to Red Bull , who already benefit from Checo’s vast array of sponsors. “If there was an opportunity to talk about something with Franco, it would not be anything related to Checo,” Slim told ESPN when asked about the reports. “We always seek to support Latin American drivers, Franco is doing very well. “But without a doubt, our important project has always been to continue building the development of Mexican drivers and Checo, without a doubt, is the one who represents us all.” Verstappen wouldn’t mind teaming up with the Pilar-based racer either. “I don’t know,” the three-time world champion said when asked about a possible link-up. “It’s a bit difficult for me to answer. I’m busy with other things to improve. “He’s doing a great job at the moment in Formula One, so that’s great to see. I understand, of course, that it’s very attractive for a lot of teams to have him, so it’s up to the team also to see what they want to do.”Empowered Funds LLC boosted its stake in shares of Oak Valley Bancorp ( NASDAQ:OVLY – Free Report ) by 5.2% during the third quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 38,004 shares of the financial services provider’s stock after purchasing an additional 1,876 shares during the quarter. Empowered Funds LLC owned about 0.45% of Oak Valley Bancorp worth $1,010,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Several other institutional investors have also added to or reduced their stakes in OVLY. Bank of New York Mellon Corp boosted its holdings in Oak Valley Bancorp by 13.5% in the second quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 26,289 shares of the financial services provider’s stock worth $656,000 after acquiring an additional 3,124 shares in the last quarter. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP boosted its holdings in Oak Valley Bancorp by 8.1% in the second quarter. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP now owns 95,508 shares of the financial services provider’s stock worth $2,384,000 after acquiring an additional 7,176 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Vanguard Group Inc. boosted its holdings in Oak Valley Bancorp by 1.8% in the first quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 376,840 shares of the financial services provider’s stock worth $9,338,000 after acquiring an additional 6,782 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 30.86% of the company’s stock. Analyst Ratings Changes Separately, StockNews.com raised Oak Valley Bancorp from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Saturday, August 17th. Oak Valley Bancorp Stock Up 1.8 % Shares of NASDAQ:OVLY opened at $30.71 on Friday. Oak Valley Bancorp has a 52-week low of $22.91 and a 52-week high of $30.81. The stock has a market cap of $256.74 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 10.24 and a beta of 0.32. The business has a 50-day moving average price of $27.45 and a 200-day moving average price of $25.85. Oak Valley Bancorp ( NASDAQ:OVLY – Get Free Report ) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Friday, October 18th. The financial services provider reported $0.89 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter. Oak Valley Bancorp had a return on equity of 14.38% and a net margin of 28.03%. The firm had revenue of $19.50 million during the quarter. Oak Valley Bancorp Company Profile ( Free Report ) Oak Valley Bancorp operates as the bank holding company for Oak Valley Community Bank that provides a range of commercial banking services to individuals and small to medium-sized businesses in the Central Valley and the Eastern Sierras. The company's deposits products include checking and savings, money market, health savings, and individual retirement accounts, as well as certificates of deposit. Featured Stories Receive News & Ratings for Oak Valley Bancorp Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Oak Valley Bancorp and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .
With a focus on human rights, US policy toward Latin America under Jimmy Carter briefly tempered a long tradition of interventionism in a key sphere of American influence, analysts say. Carter, who died Sunday at the age of 100, defied the furor of US conservatives to negotiate the handover of the Panama Canal to Panamanian control, suspended aid to multiple authoritarian governments in the region, and even attempted to normalize relations with Cuba. Carter's resolve to chart a course toward democracy and diplomacy, however, was severely tested in Central America and Cuba, where he was forced to balance his human rights priorities with pressure from adversaries to combat the spread of communism amid the Cold War standoff with the Soviet Union. "Latin America was fundamental and his global policy was oriented toward human rights, democratic values and multilateral cooperation," political analyst Michael Shifter of the Inter-American Dialogue, a think tank in Washington, told AFP. During his 1977-1981 administration, which was sandwiched between the Republican presidencies of Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan, the Democrat sought to take a step back from US alignment with right-wing dictatorships in Latin America. - Panama Canal - An important symbol of Carter's approach was the signing of two treaties in 1977 to officially turn over the Panama Canal in 1999. "Jimmy Carter understood that if he did not return the canal to Panama, the relationship between the United States and Panama could lead to a new crisis in a country where Washington could not afford the luxury of instability," said Luis Guillermo Solis, a political scientist and former president of Costa Rica. Carter called the decision, which was wildly unpopular back home, "the most difficult political challenge I ever had," as he accepted Panama's highest honor in 2016. He also hailed the move as "a notable achievement of moving toward democracy and freedom." On Sunday, Panamanian President Jose Mulino praised Carter for helping his country achieve "full sovereignty." During his term, Carter opted not to support Nicaraguan strongman Anastasio Somoza, who was subsequently overthrown by the leftist Sandinista Front in 1979. But in El Salvador, the American president had to "make a very uncomfortable pact with the government," said Shifter. To prevent communists from taking power, Carter resumed US military assistance for a junta which then became more radical, engaging in civilian massacres and plunging El Salvador into a long civil war. Carter took a critical approach to South American dictatorships in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, suspending arms deliveries and imposing sanctions in some cases. But his efforts "did not achieve any progress in terms of democratization," said Argentine political scientist Rosendo Fraga. - 'Let's go to the ball game' - The American president also tried to normalize relations with Cuba 15 years after the missile crisis. He relaxed sanctions that had been in force since 1962, supported secret talks and enabled limited diplomatic representation in both countries. "With him, for the first time, the possibility of dialogue rather than confrontation as a framework for political relations opened up," Jesus Arboleya, a former Cuban diplomat, told AFP. But in 1980, a mass exodus of 125,000 Cubans to the United States, with Fidel Castro's blessing, created an unexpected crisis. It "hurt Carter politically with the swarm of unexpected immigrants," said Jennifer McCoy, a professor of political science at Georgia State University. Castro continued to support Soviet-backed African governments and even deployed troops against Washington's wishes, finally putting an end to the normalization process. However, more than 20 years later, Carter made a historic visit to Havana as ex-president, at the time becoming the highest-profile American politician to set foot on Cuban soil since 1959. During the 2002 visit, "he made a bold call for the US to lift its embargo, but he also called on Castro to embrace democratic opening," said McCoy, who was part of the US delegation for the trip, during which Castro encouraged Carter to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at a Cuban All-Star baseball game. "Castro was sitting in the front row and we were afraid he would rise to give a long rebuttal to Carter's speech. But he didn't. He just said, 'Let's go to the ball game.'" Cubans "will remember with gratitude his efforts to improve relations," the island's current leader Miguel Diaz-Canel said on Sunday. In the years following Carter's presidency, Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) would go on to resume a full-frontal confrontation with Cuba. Decades later, Barack Obama (2009-2017) opened a new phase of measured normalization, which Donald Trump (2017-2021) brought to an end. US President Joe Biden promised to review US policy toward Cuba, but hardened his stance after Havana cracked down on anti-government protests in 2021. "Carter showed that engagement and diplomacy are more fruitful than isolation," McCoy said. bur-lp-rd-jb/lbc/mlr/bfm/sst/bbk/nro/acbNo-confidence vote draws France into new political crisis
Commitment to disqualify lying politicians stands – deputy first ministerOn Thursday, the LaGrange-Troup County Chamber of Commerce celebrated ELVTD Youth and Mentoring with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. ELVTD (pronounced “elevated”) mentors Pre-K through 12 th grade kids along with their parents to enhance the success of children. Unlike many mentoring groups, the ELVTD mentors both kids and adults because having good parents means likelier success for youth. The non-profit meets twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the LaGrange Memorial Library on Alford Street in LaGrange starting at 5 p.m. The goal of ELVTD Youth and Mentoring is to reduce socio-economic burdens within communities of at-risk youth. Their efforts help alleviate case management and financial burdens from the local and state juvenile justice departments and fill in the gaps in youth intervention, diversion and mentoring. “ELVTD Youth and Mentoring focuses on mentorship, relationship building, parenting support and classes and mental health counseling through evidence-based and trauma-informed curriculum; through these efforts, ELVTD Youth and Mentoring will also provide charitable works and events through free community resources, educational tools, social and life skills, and family-based interventions with emphasis on adults and children,” Dr. Nicholas Griffin said. ELVTD focuses on five areas for youth: Literacy/Reading Comprehension (Emphasis on early childhood), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Financial Literacy Mental Health, Mentoring (Individual and Group setting) and Parental Areas of Emphasis For parents, they work on Parenting Classes, Workforce Development, Financial Literacy, Mental Health and Mentoring (Individual and Group setting). Regardless of need, ELVTD Youth and Mentoring serves all youth to engage, educate, empower and elevate all individuals. For more information on ELVTD Youth and Mentoring, contact Griffin at (706) 756-8539.
Japan urges schools to avoid trips in peak season amid labor shortage
BEIJING (Reuters) – Huawei cut the prices of a variety of high-end devices, including mobile phones, by up to 3,000 yuan ($411) over the weekend on one of China’s leading e-commerce platforms, it said in a post on its official Weibo social media account on Sunday. In a JD.com “Super Brand Day” promotion running from Saturday evening through to midnight on Sunday, Huawei offered discounts on its smartphones, headphones, watches and tablets, the post showed. ($1 = 7.2980 Chinese yuan renminbi) (Reporting by Joe Cash; Editing by Kim Coghill) Disclaimer: This report is auto generated from the Reuters news service. ThePrint holds no responsibility for its content. var ytflag = 0;var myListener = function() {document.removeEventListener('mousemove', myListener, false);lazyloadmyframes();};document.addEventListener('mousemove', myListener, false);window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {if (ytflag == 0) {lazyloadmyframes();ytflag = 1;}});function lazyloadmyframes() {var ytv = document.getElementsByClassName("klazyiframe");for (var i = 0; i < ytv.length; i++) {ytv[i].src = ytv[i].getAttribute('data-src');}} Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );The 10 costliest climate disasters in 2024 racked up damage totalling more than 200 billion US dollars, Christian Aid has warned. A report from the charity on hurricanes, floods, typhoons and storms influenced by climate change warns that the top 10 disasters each cost more than 4 billion US dollars in damage (£3.2 billion). The figures are based mostly on insured losses, so the true costs are likely to be even higher, Christian Aid said, as it called for action to cut greenhouse gas emissions and finance for poor countries to cope with climate change. Politicians who “downplay the urgency of the climate crisis only serve to harm their own people and cause untold suffering around the world”, climate expert Joanna Haigh said. While developed countries feature heavily in the list of costliest weather extremes, as they have higher property values and can afford insurance, the charity also highlighted another 10 disasters which did not rack up such costs but were just as devastating, often hitting poorer countries. The single most costly event in 2024 was Hurricane Milton, which scientists say was made windier, wetter and more destructive by global warming, and which caused 60 billion US dollars (£48 billion) of damage when it hit the US in October. That is closely followed by Hurricane Helene, which cost 55 billion US dollars (£44 billion) when it hit the US, Mexico and Cuba just two weeks before Milton in late September. The US was hit by so many costly storms throughout the year that even when hurricanes are removed, other storms cost more than 60 billion US dollars in damage, the report said. Three of the costliest 10 climate extremes hit Europe, including the floods from Storm Boris which devastated central European countries in September and deadly flooding in Valencia in October which killed 226 people. The effects of the floods in Valencia in October were devastating (Alamy/PA) Events which were not among the most costly in financial terms but which have still been devastating include Cyclone Chido which hit Mayotte in December and may have killed more than 1,000 people, Christian Aid said. Meanwhile, heatwaves affected 33 million people in Bangladesh and worsened the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, flooding affected 6.6 million people in West Africa and the worst drought in living memory affected more than 14 million in Zambia, Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe, the charity said. Christian Aid chief executive Patrick Watt said: “There is nothing natural about the growing severity and frequency of droughts, floods and storms. “Disasters are being supercharged by decisions to keep burning fossil fuels, and to allow emissions to rise. “And they’re being made worse by the consistent failure to deliver on financial commitments to the poorest and most climate-vulnerable countries. “In 2025 we need to see governments leading, and taking action to accelerate the green transition, reduce emissions, and fund their promises.” “There are many more droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and floods not included that are becoming more frequent and intense. “Most of these disasters show clear fingerprints of climate change. “Extreme weather is clearly causing incredible suffering in all corners of the world. Behind the billion-dollar figures are lost lives and livelihoods.” And Prof Haigh, emeritus professor of atmospheric physics at Imperial College London, said: “The economic impact of these extreme weather events should be a wake-up call. “The good news is that ever-worsening crises doesn’t have to be our long-term future. “The technologies of a clean energy economy exist, but we need leaders to invest in them and roll them out at scale.” The 10 costliest climate disasters of 2024 were: – US storms, December to January, more than 60 billion US dollars; – Hurricane Milton in the US, October 9-13, 60 billion US dollars (£48 billion); – Hurricane Helene in the US, Mexico, Cuba, 55 billion US dollars (£44 billion); – China floods, June 9-July 14, 15.6 billion US dollars (£12.4 billion); – Typhoon Yagi, which hit south-west Asia from September 1 to 9, 12.6 billion US dollars (£10 billion); – Hurricane Beryl, in the US, Mexico and Caribbean islands from July 1-11, 6.7 billion US dollars (£5.3 billion); – Storm Boris in central Europe, September 12-16, 5.2 billion US dollars (£4.1 billion); – Rio Grande do Sul floods in Brazil, April 28-May 3, 5 billion US dollars (£4 billion); – Bavaria floods, Germany, June 1-7, 4.45 billion US dollars (£3.5 billion); – Valencia floods, Spain, on October 29, 4.22 billion US dollars (£3.4 billion).NEW YORK -- Chad Chronister, Donald Trump's pick to run the Drug Enforcement Administration, said Tuesday he was withdrawing his name from consideration, becoming the second person selected by the president-elect to bow out quickly after being nominated for a position requiring Senate confirmation. Sheriff Chronister, the top law enforcement officer in Hillsborough County, Florida, said in a post on X that he was backing away from the opportunity, which he called “the honor of a lifetime.” “Over the past several days, as the gravity of this very important responsibility set in, I’ve concluded that I must respectfully withdraw from consideration,” Chronister wrote. He did not elaborate, and Trump's transition team did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment. Chronister follows former Republican congressman Matt Gaetz , Trump’s first pick to serve as attorney general, in withdrawing his name for a post in the administration. Gaetz withdrew following scrutiny over a federal sex trafficking investigation that cast doubt on his ability to be confirmed as the nation’s chief federal law enforcement officer. Trump's pick of Chronister for the DEA job drew backlash from conservatives, who raised concerns over his actions during the COVID-19 pandemic and his saying that his office “does not engage in federal immigration enforcement activities.” In March 2020, Chronister arrested the pastor of a megachurch who held services with hundreds of people and violated a safer-at-home order in place aimed at limiting the spread of the Covid virus. “Shame on this pastor, their legal staff and the leaders of this staff for forcing us to do our job. That’s not what we wanted to do during a declared state of emergency,” Chronister said at the time. “We are hopeful that this will be a wakeup call.” U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky, was among those airing public complaints, saying Chronister should be “disqualified” for the arrest. Others flagged comments Chronister made in a video about Florida’s immigration laws that he released in 2023 that circulated again online after Trump named him last weekend. In the video, Chronister praised the “rich diversity” of his community and called it “a place where people from all walks of life come together.” He said it was important to note his office “does not engage in federal immigration enforcement activities. We do not target individuals based on their immigration status. That’s the authority of federal agencies.” Trump has made a sweeping crackdown on immigration a central focus of his campaign and his aims for his coming administration. ___ Associated Press writer Adriana Gomez Licon in Fort Lauderdale, Florida contributed to this report.
AP Sports SummaryBrief at 6:39 p.m. ESTBlack Friday: How to avoid impulsive and emotional shopping
BOZEMAN — For the first time in Division I program history, the Montana State football team finished a regular season unbeaten. The No. 2-ranked Bobcats improved to 12-0 overall (8-0 in Big Sky Conference play) with a 34-11 win over No. 9 Montana (8-4, 5-3) in the 123rd Brawl of the Wild on Saturday afternoon at Bobcat Stadium. The victory gave MSU the outright Big Sky title and most likely secured a top-two seed in the FCS playoffs. Montana State head football coach Brent Vigen talks to reporters after the Bobcats' 34-11 win over Montana in the 123rd Brawl of the Wild on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024, at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman. It’s the first outright conference championship for the Cats since 1984. MSU is credited with a solo Big Sky title in 2011, although it initially shared it with UM before the NCAA vacated several UM wins due to extra benefits. From left, Montana linebacker Ryan Tirrell, head coach Bobby Hauck and running back Nick Ostmo talk to reporters after the Grizzlies' 34-11 loss to Montana State in the 123rd Brawl of the Wild on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024, at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman. The Cats had never been 10-0 before this season, and their only unbeaten season came in 1956 (9-0-1), when they won the NAIA championship. Top-ranked North Dakota State lost at South Dakota on Saturday, so MSU will likely be the No. 1 seed when the FCS playoff selections are announced Sunday morning. MSU opened Saturday's game with a 14-play, 75-yard drive that Tommy Mellott capped with a 5-yard touchdown run. The home team has now scored first in six straight Brawls, and the home team has won each of the last five Cat-Griz games by at least 19 points. In Tommy We Trust 🫡 | After both teams traded punts, UM got to MSU’s 25-yard line on a 21-yard run from Xavier Harris. The Grizzlies settled for a 47-yard field goal after an Eli Gillman run for no gain, a false start and an incomplete pass caused by pressure from McCade O’Reilly and Rylan Ortt. Montana State senior safety Rylan Ortt talks to reporters after the Bobcats' 34-11 win over Montana in the 123rd Brawl of the Wild on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024, at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman. On the next drive, Mellott completed a 35-yard TD pass to Rohan Jones on third and 8 to put the Cats ahead 14-3 with about 10 minutes left in the first half. ABSOLUTE DIME 🎯 x Following a sack from Zac Crews and Kenneth Eiden IV that forced a punt, MSU’s Myles Sansted put MSU up 17-3 with a 27-yard field goal at the 1-minute, 40-second mark. 🗣️ SACKED 🗣️ x UM turned it over on downs with 25 seconds on the clock. MSU set up a 49-yard field goal attempt five plays later, and Sansted drilled it as time expired to give the Cats a 20-3 halftime lead. It’s the longest field goal MSU has made since a 50-yarder from Blake Glessner against William & Mary in the 2022 FCS quarterfinals. Myles Sansted connects from 4⃣9⃣! 🎯 | Both teams opened the second half with punts (the UM punt after a sack from MSU defensive tackle Paul Brott). The Griz stuffed Mellott on 4th and 1 at the 5:14 mark, but they went three and out on the next drive after Sawyer Racanelli couldn’t hold onto a 28-yard pass from Logan Fife. Relentless Pursuit 😤 | MSU went up by 24 points on the next drive, thanks to an 88-yard run from Adam Jones. The Missoula Sentinel grad scored on a 3-yard TD run. Just a kid from Missoula Sentinel 🤷♂️ | Montana State redshirt freshman running back Adam Jones talks to reporters after the Bobcats' 34-11 win over Montana in the 123rd Brawl of the Wild on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024, at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman. The Cats led 27-3 going into the fourth quarter, two seasons after they held a 41-7 lead over UM in Bozeman through three quarters. The Griz scored their only TD of the game with 11:02 left. Gillman scored from 1 yard out and Fife completed a two-point pass to Racanelli after a 17-yard pass to Aaron Fontes on fourth and 8. MSU took a 34-11 lead with 4:49 left on a 2-yard TD run from Adam Jones, who finished with 197 rushing yards. FREIGHT TRAIN COMIN' THROUGH 💪 | The Cats out-gained the Griz 420 to 234 in total yards, including 326 to 117 on the ground. The Montana State University Bobcats parade the Brawl of the Wild trophy around Bobcat Stadium after winning against the University of Montana Grizzlies on Saturday, Nov. 23 in Bozeman, Montana. The MSU rodeo team leads the Bobcats onto the field during the Brawl of the Wild game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies wide receiver Keelan White (6) is tackled on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies wide receiver Aaron Fontes (14) runs onto the field during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies wide receiver Keelan White (6) is tackled during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Bobcat fans watch the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Bobcats wide receiver Marqui Johnson (1) reacts to a tackle during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies safety Jace Klucewich (39) tackles Montana State Bobcats quarterback Tommy Mellott (4) during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Fans tailgate before the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Fans tailgate before the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies running back Nick Ostmo (26) is tackled during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies quarterback Logan Fife (12) looks to pass the ball during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies offensive lineman Dillon Botner (60) warms up before the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies running back Eli Gillman (10) jumps over Bobcat defense during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Bobcat linebacker McCade O’Reilly (43) takes down Montana Grizzlies running back Xavier Harris (13) during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. The Bobcat cheer team dances during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. The Grizzlies are introduced to the field during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies running back Eli Gillman (10) runs the ball down the field during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. MSU President Waded Cruzado attends the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Grizzlies running back Eli Gillman (10) tries to avoid Montana State defenders during the Brawl of the Wild football game last Saturday in Bozeman. The Bobcats take down Montana Grizzlies wide receiver Keelan White (6) during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Bobcats running back Adam Jones (23) runs the ball down the field during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Bobcat fans react to a touchdown during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana Bobcats running back Adam Jones (23) scores a touchdown during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. The Bobcats enter Bobcat Stadium during the Brawl of the Wild football game on Saturday, Nov. 23 at Bobcat Stadium in Bozeman, Montana. Montana State fullback Rohan Jones catches a pass for a touchdown against Montana in the 123rd Brawl of the Wild Saturday at Bobcat Stadium. Montana State's Tommy Mellott (4), Julius Davis (32) and Burke Mastel (64) prepare for a play against Montana in The Brawl of the Wild at Bobcat Stadium on Saturday, November 23, 2024. Montana State quarterback Tommy Mellott (4) looks to evade Montana cornerback Trevin Gradney (37) during the 123rd Brawl of the Wild Saturday at Bobcat Stadium. Montana State's Marcus Wehr (76), Tommy Mellott (4), Burke Mastel (64), Julius Davis (32) and Titan Fleischman (66) celebrate Mellott's touchdown against Montana in The Brawl of the Wild at Bobcat Stadium on Saturday. Montana State's Tommy Mellott (4) celebrates his touchdown against Montana with Ryan Lonergan in The Brawl of the Wild at Bobcat Stadium on Saturday. Montana State quarterback Tommy Mellott scores a rushing touchdown against Montana in the 123rd Brawl of the Wild Saturday at Bobcat Stadium. The Montana State Bobcats took on the Montana Grizzlies in The Brawl of the Wild at Bobcat Stadium on Saturday, November 23, 2024. Victor Flores is the Montana State Bobcats beat writer for 406 MT Sports. Email him at and follow him on Twitter/X at Get local news delivered to your inbox!
NEW YORK , Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Scholastic Corporation (NASDAQ: SCHL) announced today that its Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.20 per share on the Company's Class A and Common Stock for the third quarter of fiscal 2025. The dividend is payable on March 14, 2025 , to all shareholders of record as of the close of business on January 31, 2025 . About Scholastic For more than 100 years, Scholastic Corporation (NASDAQ: SCHL) has been meeting children where they are – at school, at home and in their communities – by creating quality content and experiences, all beginning with literacy. Scholastic delivers stories, characters, and learning moments that empower all kids to become lifelong readers and learners through bestselling children's books, literacy- and knowledge-building resources for schools including classroom magazines, and award-winning, entertaining children's media. As the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books through school-based book clubs and book fairs, classroom libraries, school and public libraries, retail, and online, and with a global reach into more than 135 countries, Scholastic encourages the personal and intellectual growth of all children, while nurturing a lifelong relationship with reading, themselves, and the world around them. Learn more at www.scholastic.com . SCHL: Financial View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/scholastic-corporation-announces-third-quarter-dividend-302329290.html SOURCE Scholastic Corporation
Sabrina Carpenter and Barry Keoghan have broken up after a year of dating, according to People . “They are both young and career-focused, so they’ve decided to take a break,” a source told the publication on Tuesday (Dec. 3) The pair first sparked dating rumors in late 2023, a few months before making their public debut at the Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty in March. 32-year-old Keoghan also starred opposite 25-year-old Carpenter in the music video for her Billboard Hot 100 -topping single “Please Please Please,” which is featured on her album Short n’ Sweet . After Carpenter dropped the album on Aug. 23, fans were quick to speculate that the Work It star wrote some of the project’s songs about the Irish actor — particularly the NSFW “Bed Chem.” “I was in a sheer dress the day that we met/ We were both in a rush, we talked for a sec,” she sings on the track. “Who’s the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent? ... Who’s the cute guy with the wide, blue eyes?” See latest videos, charts and news See latest videos, charts and news Just last month, Keoghan appeared on an episode of Spotify’s The Louis Theroux Podcast , where he was asked directly, “Are you in a relationship with Sabrina Carpenter?” “Oh, I knew you’d do this,” Keoghan said with a laugh, before adding, “Listen, all I’m going to say is I’m incredibly blessed. Such a strong, independent lady who’s massively talented and yeah. Pretty special.” Following the news of their split, fans took to social media to express shock over the duo parting ways. See some fan reactions below. given the barry news, sabrina carpenter’s next album needs to be packed with mercilessly scathing tracks. it’s time for the olivia collab babes. i go off twitter for AN HOUR and sabrina and barry have broken up someone pls say it’s fake news not sabrina and barry pic.twitter.com/Rv8xhUugXV SABRINA AND BARRY STAY WITH ME pic.twitter.com/F7uYlLSZ3e sabrina hardlaunching her relationship with barry just for him to end up embarrassing her even though she begged him not to pic.twitter.com/XfTRypbLQ4 If Barry purposefully fumbled this, then men really are shit and none of us have a chance https://t.co/ZzBUGdyHCy SABRINA AND BARRY BROKE UP!?!?!?!?😭😭😭😭😭Astronaut Suni Williams and Astrobee
NCW fact-finding committee to probe Anna University sexual assault caseTrump’s social media company is exploring a crypto payment service called TruthFi - CNN
The official spokesperson for the Ministry of Health and Population Hossam Abdel-Ghaffar announced details on the extended-release for the first locally produced batch of insulin “Glargine”, in cooperation between the Egyptian company Eva Pharma and the international company Eli Lilly. During a phone interview with the “Al-Hayat” satellite channel, on Tuesday evening, Abdel-Ghaffar said that launching the first batch of locally manufactured insulin is an important step towards enhancing and support the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt. This move is a milestone, he noted, as for the first time insulin is being produced as pens inside Egypt, after it was previously produced only in the form of injections. This achievement reflects Egypt’s ability to manufacture vital medicines locally and meet the needs of the Egyptian market for insulin, he said, noting that this industry was previously heavily dependent on imports. Approximately 15 percent of Egyptians suffer from diabetes, which makes the provision of local insulin an urgent necessity to meet the needs of patients in Egypt. There is a noticeable difference between the prices of imported and local insulin, he explained, as this step contributes to improving the economic situation and reducing the financial burden on citizens due to the high prices of imported medicines. He added that manufacturing insulin locally will contribute to reducing dependence on foreign currencies, thus reducing the hard currency consumption bill, in addition to providing insulin at much lower prices compared to imported products. The ministry is working to implement tangible steps to achieve the goal of localizing the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt by the end of 2025, he said. There is also ongoing cooperation with some major countries in the pharmaceutical industry such as India and China to transfer their technology and expertise to Egypt, he added.Jimmy Carter, the 39th US president, has died at 100By David Shepardson WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Commerce Department said on Friday it was finalizing an award of up to $4.745 billion to South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and up to $1.61 billion for Texas Instruments to expand chips production. The department also finalized an award of up to $407 million to help fund Amkor Technology planned $2 billion advanced semiconductor packaging facility in Arizona, which is set to be the largest of its kind in the U.S. The Samsung award is about $1.7 billion smaller than the preliminary award announced in April of up to $6.4 billion and reflects its revised smaller investment plans, the department said. A Commerce spokesperson said the department “changed this award to align with market conditions and the scope of the investment the company is making.” A Samsung spokesperson said its “mid-to-long-term investment plan has been partially revised to optimize overall investment efficiency” but declined to disclose details of its agreement with the Commerce Department. In April, administration officials said Samsung planned to invest roughly $45 billion to build two chip production facilities, a research center and a packaging facility by 2030. On Friday, Commerce said Samsung plans to invest $37 billion and complete the projects by the end of the decade. Texas Instruments has pledged to investment more than $18 billion through 2029 in two new factories in Texas and one in Utah, which are expected to create 2,000 manufacturing jobs. The company is getting $900 million for its Texas operations and $700 million. Amkor’s Arizona plant when fully operational will package and test millions of chips for autonomous vehicles, 5G/6G and data centers. Apple will be its first and largest customer with the chips produced at a nearby Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC facility. Congress in August 2022 approved a $39 billion subsidy program for U.S. semiconductor manufacturing and related components along with $75 billion in government lending authority. Last month, Commerce finalized an award of up to $7.86 billion for Intel down from $8.5 billion announced in March after the California-based chips maker won a separate $3 billion award from the Pentagon. Commerce has now finalized the largest awards it offered earlier this year including this week, finalizing up to $458 million for SK Hynix in Indiana. In total, Commerce has finalized over $33 billion of the over $36 billion in proposed incentives funding. “With this investment in Samsung, the U.S. is now officially the only country on the planet that is home to all five leading-edge semiconductor manufacturers,” said Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. (Reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama, David Gregorio and Diane Craft) Disclaimer: This report is auto generated from the Reuters news service. 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LAS VEGAS (AP) — Brett Howden scored his 15th goal of the season and Ilya Samsonov stopped 31 shots as the Vegas Golden Knights defeated the Calgary Flames 3-0 on Sunday night. Howden redirected defenseman Alex Pietrangelo’s shot from the top of the slot late in the second period and is now tied with Ivan Barbashev for the team lead in goals. Howden has scored a goal in four of the last five games. Victor Olofsson and Tanner Pearson also scored for the Golden Knights, who have shut out Calgary twice this season, beating them 5-0 on Oct. 28 . Dan Vladar made 34 saves for Calgary. The Golden Knights have now won six straight, the longest active win streak in the NHL, while improving to 25-8-3 on the year. They own a 13-2-1 record against Pacific Division opponents. Calgary (17-12-7) dropped to 4-4-1 against Pacific Division teams. Takeaways Calgary: The Flames played in their fourth back-to-back set following Saturday’s 3-1 win in San Jose. Calgary is 3-1-0 in game one of a back-to-back scenario and dropped to 1-3-0 in game two of back-to-backs. Vegas: The Golden Knights scored twice in the third period and now boast a league-best plus-30 goal differential in the third period. Key Moment Spanning the end of the first period and into the second period, the Golden Knights were successful in staving off a Calgary power play, which included a 5-on-3 for roughly a minute after Howden was given a double-minor for a high stick to Jonathan Huberdeau’s head. Samsonov stopped five shots during the entire sequence. Key stat 200 — Jack Eichel played in his 200th game as a Golden Knight, while Bruce Cassidy coached his 200th game with Vegas. Up next The Flames host Vancouver on Tuesday. Vegas will host Montreal on Tuesday. ___ AP NHL: https://apnews.com/hub/nhl W.g. Ramirez, The Associated PressUrcadservices Offers World-Class MEP Engineering And CAD Solutions
Democrat Bob Casey concedes to Republican David McCormick in Pennsylvania Senate contestParts of more than 30 states experienced well below normal precipitation from September through November. Ben Noll/The Washington Post; data source: ECMWF/ERA5 Even after a polar plunge, a bomb cyclone and atmospheric river, and heavy lake-effect snow, over 71% of the United States was still facing abnormally dry conditions as of early December. That number is down from a record-breaking 87% in November. But the winter season, which officially begins on Dec. 21, does not typically come with this much drought. Only the years 2012, 2021 and 2022 were more unusually dry this late in the year, putting 2024 in fourth place for countrywide dryness since such records began in 2000. Moderate drought is still happening in all but one state, Alaska, making up 27% of the land area in the country. With its dryness, the United States continues to be a global outlier. Last month was the third wettest November on record for the planet, which was associated with flooding in Greece, Malaysia and Thailand, and Cuba. Because the dryness was most pronounced during the crop harvest rather than the growing period, the impact on crop conditions wasn’t as bad as it could have been. In the case of corn and soybeans, yield reached near-record levels. STATES STILL DEALING WITH EXTREME DROUGHT Parts of 23 states, from California to New Hampshire, are experiencing extreme (level 3 out of 4) or exceptional (level 4 out of 5) drought. Precipitation deficits are stark. Climate data from September through November confirmed that over 30 states had well below normal rainfall. However, drought severity is not just about intensity – it’s about duration, too. Over the past six months, deficits of six inches or more were observed in more than two dozen states. That could equate to two to three months’ worth of rain, depending on the location. Parts of Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have also experienced similarly stark deficits. IS THERE ANY RELIEF IN SIGHT? Most regions are forecast to continue to have below normal rainfall in the short-term. The exceptions will be the East Coast, Deep South and Pacific Northwest. Much-needed rainfall is forecast in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New Hampshire – states that still have areas of extreme or exceptional drought. The Northwest, Deep South and East Coast will probably experience soaking precipitation over the next 10 days. Ben Noll/The Washington Post; data source: ECMWF The map below shows the chance of daily precipitation exceeding an inch over the next 10 days. In the green area extending from Louisiana to Maine, two surges of soaking precipitation are likely from Monday through Wednesday. For many areas, this will fall as rain, but for interior New England, snow is possible. This should result in a broad improvement in the drought status in these areas. DROUGHT’S TYPE, IMPACTS Meteorological drought, a prolonged period of below normal precipitation, typically takes at least a month or two to develop. But new research is investigating the emergence of flash droughts, which come about in just weeks, typically because of high temperatures, high evaporation rates and low rainfall. Agricultural drought develops when low precipitation translates to low soil moisture and water stress for plants. The third category is hydrological drought, which occurs when the above deficits translate to very low river flows and reservoir levels and reduced wetlands – culminating in the potential for environmental, social and economic impacts. The 2024 U.S. drought, which developed during late summer and intensified throughout fall, had cascading effects across all three drought types. Persistently below normal rainfall contributed to a significant reduction in soil moisture levels and stream flows. Reservoir levels in New York City recently slipped below 60%, compared with a normal of 82%. But because these effects were most pronounced during the crop harvest rather than the growing period, barley, corn, oats and soybeans reported the highest proportion of good or excellent conditions in several years, with record or near-record yield for corn and soybeans in particular. While that’s the good news, droughts take a long time to build and a long time to ease, meaning the impact of this year’s drought won’t be erased overnight. And it could easily linger into 2025. If that happens, farmers could be in for challenging times ahead – and that could have consequences for grocery prices. We invite you to add your comments. We encourage a thoughtful exchange of ideas and information on this website. By joining the conversation, you are agreeing to our commenting policy and terms of use . More information is found on our FAQs . You can modify your screen name here . Comments are managed by our staff during regular business hours Monday through Friday as well as limited hours on Saturday and Sunday. Comments held for moderation outside of those hours may take longer to approve. Please sign into your Sun Journal account to participate in conversations below. If you do not have an account, you can register or subscribe . Questions? Please see our FAQs . Your commenting screen name has been updated. Send questions/comments to the editors. « Previous Next »Reforms should be left to an elected govt
Jonathan Esmerio takes reins of Loxon group of companiesInvestors looking for artificial intelligence (AI) stocks have plenty of options. But while there's no shortage of AI stocks to choose from, a few stand out among the rest. Broadcom ( AVGO 5.32% ) is one of the tech companies that is a unique play in the artificial intelligence market and could be a good long-term investment. Here are three reasons the stock is a buy right now. 1. It's tapping into a unique AI niche One of Broadcom's biggest opportunities comes from its application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that are used in AI data center infrastructure. Leading tech companies, including Alphabet and Meta Platforms , already use Broadcom's chips to help with their AI infrastructure, and more opportunities could be on the way. Companies continue to expand their data centers and AI training needs, creating the perfect environment for Broadcom's high-end niche semiconductors, with one J.P. Morgan analyst estimating the company's total addressable market in AI chips could be $150 billion. Results for the third quarter (ending Sept. 30) showed just how well Broadcom is tapping into its AI prospects, with management raising its fiscal 2024 AI chip sales outlook to $12 billion, an increase from its previous estimate of $11 billion. 2. AI spending is accelerating Broadcom is tapping into a unique AI opportunity with its ASICs at a time when tech giants are investing mountains of money into AI data centers. Goldman Sachs estimates that companies will spend $1 trillion over the next few years to build out AI, and Broadcom rival Nvidia thinks the amount could be as high as $2 trillion over the next five years. Broadcom's AI revenue is already increasing thanks to data center chip demand, and it's likely to continue as more companies expand their AI capabilities. At the end of October, ChatGPT creator OpenAI began tapping Broadcom to design an in-house chip it will use for AI. No matter which of the spending estimates is more accurate, it's clear that tech companies are investing lots of money on AI infrastructure, and Broadcom's early lead with its AI semiconductors should continue to pay off for the company as spending ramps up. 3. Its stock is cheaper than some rivals Even with Broadcom's share price rising 96% over the past 12 months (as of this writing), its stock is slightly cheaper compared to some of its peers. Broadcom's forward price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) is currently 27.6, which is cheaper than Nvidia's forward P/E ratio of 34 and Advanced Micro Devices 's 28.4. While it's not necessarily cheap, it is technically less expensive, making it a potentially better deal for investors looking for a well-priced AI stock. If you're on the fence about buying Broadcom now, you could wait to see if the shares pull back a bit. But with the company already successfully tapping into AI semiconductor demand and working with the top tech companies as AI spending is accelerating, owning its shares looks like a good long-term bet.8 Useful Gadgets And Tools For Keeping Your Electronics Clean And Sanitized
A FUTA first class graduate, Caleb Adewole, said that he got 96 out of 100 in his post-UTME before gaining university admission The brilliant Caleb revealed that he had five distinctions and four B's in his WASSCE, with 339 in his UTME A person who read Caleb was still not the first best-graduating student with a 4.85 CGPA asked what the first student got Don't miss out! Join Legit.ng's Sports News channel on WhatsApp now! A brilliant Federal University of Technology , Akure (FUTA) graduate, Caleb Adewole, has bagged first class. The man said he studied electrical and electronics engineering at the university and has a CGPA of 4.85 out of 5.0. FUTA graduate in Elect elect The FUTA graduate ( @Caleb_Wole ) listed his other academic achievements, and people praised him. Before admission, he had 5 A's and 4 B's in WASSCE. PAY ATTENTION: Follow us on Instagram - get the most important news directly in your favourite app! In 2017, he scored 339 out of 400 in UTME. He replicated the same success in his post-UTME with 96/100. Read also FUTA graduate who maintained 5.0 GPA for five times bags first class: "Apply for PhD abroad" Caleb is also a dean's list honoree. He graduated as the second best in his department, revealing the overall best got a 4.96 CGPA. See his post below: Legit.ng compiled some of the reactions below: @Ayo_dee988 asked: "Who come be the first best student?" Caleb replied: "He had a 4.96." @JohnVito21 said: "The only Caleb that I know from EEE. Ìwé Ọgbà." @Mr_Humble001 said: "Congratulations scholar." @Twealth79347074 said: "Once a genius is forever a genius. Big congratulations bro." @Yefz_Peterz said: "Congratulations Caleb." @mickyskofyld said: "High flier. I love this. Congratulations." @Owolabithebest said: "Congratulations brother and I'm proud of you. My friends @Murphydahnear and @FTheophilus couldn't do this for 6 years. I'm really disappointed in them." @SegunOlaboyede said: "Congratulations Caleb. Keep Shining and winning." @Tochukwu_c_c said: "Caleb is HIM! Congratulations, brother!" @oladipojesse said: "Calebbbbb....you're a star, bro! Congratulations." @Demi_Ogunleye said: "Omoor, you have two heads o." @Krazy__8__ joked: Read also UBA Foundation essay: Man rejoices as 16-year-old girl gets N7.5 million prize after winning contest "What's the colour of your Bugatti?????" @j0x3yy said: "Congratulations." 19-year-old bagged first class Meanwhile, Legit.ng earlier reported that a lady graduated with a first-class degree in software engineering from Babcock University and became an instant sensation. She was glad with her success and had to share the good news on social media. Many were amazed the 19-year-old pulled such off. PAY ATTENTION : Legit.ng Needs Your Opinion! That's your chance to change your favourite news media. Fill in a short questionnaire Source: Legit.ng
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Josh Norris broke a tie on a power play with 7:18 left, Leevi Merilainen made 30 saves in his fifth NHL game and the Ottawa Senators beat the Minnesota Wild 3-1 on Sunday night. Ottawa has won seven of its past nine games, while the Wild have lost five of their past seven. The Senators won in Minnesota for the first time since 2016. With starter Linus Ullmark and backup Anton Forsberg out with injuries, the Senators have been relying on Merilainen and Mads Sogaard since before the NHL holiday break. Frederick Gaudreau opened the scoring for Minnesota late in the first period. Ridly Greig tied it early in the second. Claude Giroux added an empty-netter. Takeaways Senators: A team that finds itself surprisingly in a playoff position after missing the postseason the past six seasons topped a Western Conference contender in Minnesota. Norris has been a big part of the Senators' surge and now ranks second on the team with 14 goals. Wild: A lower-body injury kept Kirill Kaprizov out of his second straight game, but Joel Eriksson Ek returned after missing 11 games with a lower-body injury. The Wild are 17-5-4 with Eriksson Ek in the lineup and 5-6-0 without him. Key moment The Wild killed one penalty midway through the third, but Jared Spurgeon went to the box seconds later on a holding call. Norris scored on the power play. Up next The Senators’ nine-game trip continues Thursday at Dallas night. The Wild host Nashville on Tuesday night. ___ AP NHL: Phil Ervin, The Associated Press
What Happened To The MirMir Photo Booth From Shark Tank Season 9?ZETA COURT UPDATE: The Zeta Global Holdings Class Action Deadline is January 21 –Investors with Losses are Urged to Contact BFA Law (NYSE:ZETA)
Strategic hire underscores Assembly's commitment to bolstering its leadership team to deliver best-in-class services and results for its clients. NEW YORK , Dec. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Assembly, a leading global marketing agency within the Stagwell (STGW) network, today announced the appointment of Josh Berman as Executive Vice President, Assembly Lead. Earlier this year, Assembly unveiled a new operating structure with teams organized into 'Assemblies' based on geography and industry sector. Based in New York , Berman will co-lead Assembly East, focusing on deepening brand relationships, driving innovation, and providing more rigor, expertise, and growth for clients. Berman brings 15 years of media industry experience to Assembly. Most recently, as Managing Partner and Client Lead at Wavemaker, he led media planning and buying for a major Church & Dwight brand and contributed to global product development initiatives, leveraging data and technology to craft effective marketing solutions. Over his career, Josh has partnered with marquee brands across various industries, including Citi, Campbell's , IKEA, Tiffany & Co., Amgen, Marriott, and AT&T. Berman's appointment is part of Assembly's ongoing growth efforts, ensuring that the agency remains at the forefront of the industry and continues to meet clients' evolving needs. "Our clients get the best of both worlds—an agency big enough to lead yet small enough to care—which means each client receives the attention, dedicated leadership, and prioritization the industry and clients are demanding," said Rick Acampora , Global CEO of Assembly. "Josh's extensive experience in media strategy, analytics, client leadership, and innovation, coupled with his ability to fuse media and creative to unlock and accelerate brand performance, will be instrumental as we continue to elevate and find the change that fuels growth for our clients. We are thrilled to have him join our team." Berman's role is effective immediately. ABOUT ASSEMBLY Assembly is a leading global omnichannel media agency that merges data, talent, and technology to catalyze growth for the world's most esteemed brands. Our holistic approach weaves together compelling brand narratives with a comprehensive suite of global media capabilities, driving performance and fostering significant business expansion. Our initiatives are powered by STAGE, our proprietary operating system, and executed by a dedicated global team of over 2,300 professionals across 35 offices worldwide. Committed to purposeful action, Assembly leads the way in social and environmental impact within the agency realm. As a proud member of Stagwell, the challenger network designed to revolutionize marketing, Assembly continues to set new standards of excellence. For more information, please visit assemblyglobal.com . Contact Mariana Delacqua mariana.delacqua@assemblyglobal.com View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/josh-berman-joins-assembly-as-evp-assembly-lead-in-north-america-302337752.html SOURCE Assembly
In 2015, when the Russian armed forces launched a military operation in Syria, it marked a turning point in the post-Soviet era. The collapse of the USSR had caused a dramatic decline in Russia’s international standing. For two and a half decades after 1991, Moscow worked to regain lost status, prestige, and influence on the world stage. Syria symbolized the culmination of that process: Russia’s first decisive intervention beyond its immediate post-Soviet neighborhood in one of the world’s central conflicts. The new Russia had acted militarily before, but only within its former Soviet sphere. This presumably led then-US President Barack Obama to dismiss the country as a “regional power.” The Syrian intervention shattered that perception. By decisively altering the course of its civil war, Moscow demonstrated its ability to influence major global crises beyond its immediate borders. The recent fall of the Assad government, which survived nine years ago only thanks to Russia’s intervention, marks another significant turning point. Analysts will dissect the causes of Assad’s downfall, but the critical question for the Kremlin is what this means for its broader geopolitical strategy. Russia’s Middle East engagement wasn’t just symbolic—it had practical outcomes. Moscow’s military success weakened the Islamic State (with the US acting in parallel) while boosting Russia’s regional stature. Key Middle Eastern powers—Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, and even Israel—came to recognize Russia as a key power broker. The formation of OPEC+ was in part facilitated by Riyadh’s newfound interest in cooperating with Moscow. Even amid complex rivalries, Russia’s influence became undeniable. This occurred against a backdrop of increasingly erratic US Middle East policy and diminishing Western European involvement. As the global order fractured, Russia’s participation in shaping the region reinforced its place at the table of global powers—or so it seemed. However, by the time Russia reached its post-Soviet peak, the international landscape had already shifted. The post-Cold War model, where fixed great-power status appeared attainable, disintegrated into a world of shifting alliances and situational partnerships. Today’s international system is shaped by transactional interests. Every country now prioritizes its immediate national concerns, with limited regard for broader, long-term alliances. This has led to a form of regionalization where countries closest to a crisis not only have the greatest stake in resolving it but also the best chance of doing so. Russia’s reduced involvement in Syria is an example of this shift. Preoccupied with the war in Ukraine and attached to a weakened ally in Damascus, Moscow lost much of its strategic flexibility. Regional players like Iran, Turkey, and Israel have since taken the lead in reshaping the Middle East’s political map, with external powers playing mostly supportive roles. The Syrian conflict underscores the growing importance of regional actors in shaping global events. The rapid resolution of its civil war involved far less outside intervention than earlier stages of the conflict. While foreign powers like Russia and the US played significant roles early on, the latest developments were driven primarily by local players. Russia’s inability to maintain its earlier influence highlights a critical lesson: in today’s fluid world order, securing long-term gains through military success alone is nearly impossible. Agility and the ability to recalibrate quickly are essential. The US learned this the hard way in the 2000s and 2010s. Russia faces a similar dilemma now. With limited resources and competing priorities, Russia must rethink its Middle East strategy. If a withdrawal from the key base in Tartus becomes unavoidable, Moscow must ensure that it happens smoothly, leveraging its established ties with all regional players—from Israel and Turkey to the Gulf states and even Syria’s new rulers. The collapse of the Syrian state is undeniably a setback for Moscow, which used its military presence there to expand its influence across the Middle East and into Africa. However, unlike Iran, Russia retains the option to adjust its commitments and reposition itself strategically. That’s the benefit of being an outside participant. The Kremlin can leave the region, but Tehran cannot. Moscow’s next move should involve recalibrating its relationships in the Middle East while maintaining its reputation as an independent, pragmatic actor. The US may seek to push Russia out of the region entirely, but Washington’s own reluctance to engage directly gives Moscow room to maneuver. Most importantly, the symbolic quest to restore Russia’s great-power status—a key motivation behind the 2015 Syrian operation—is now obsolete. The only priority that matters is concluding the Ukraine conflict on favorable terms. Unlike in Syria, where Russia can pull back if needed, Ukraine represents an existential challenge. It is a war that Moscow cannot afford to lose. This is the critical distinction: in the Middle East, the Kremlin has room to retreat and regroup. In Ukraine, there is no such option. The conflict there is central to Russia’s long-term security and global standing. When Obama dismissed Russia as a “regional power” nearly a decade ago, the term was meant as a slight. But in today’s fractured world, being a capable regional power is perhaps the only sustainable form of influence. The era of undisputed global powers is fading. Countries that can assert dominance in their immediate neighborhoods, while managing global ambitions sparingly, are far better positioned to survive and thrive. Russia must now consolidate its role as a dominant regional power while staying engaged in strategically critical areas like the Middle East—but only when doing so supports its core national interests. In a world increasingly defined by pragmatic, limited engagements, the ability to step back, recalibrate, and reengage will matter more than symbolic gestures of great-power status. In that sense, Obama’s assessment seems less like an insult today—and more like a roadmap for survival in a turbulent world.
REIFFTON – Coach Calvin Everett was right. This isn’t the same Harrisburg Cougars assembly who opened the season with myriad questions and a lopsided defeat. Harrisburg RB-LB Messiah Mickens secured two TDs and helped stop Wilson’s O with 3 of 4 sacks by the Cougars. End result was a 42-14 victory and HBG’s fourth straight D3 6A crown. @Pa_Preps @HBGCougar_FBall pic.twitter.com/ATh5ioBunH Q3, 6:42 — Every running back in the Cougars’ stable has eaten today. Four-star Syracuse commit D'Antae Sheffey runs in from 10 yards out. Harrisburg 35, Wilson 6 pic.twitter.com/enSevQBTrP Q2, 4:22 — It’s all Cougars. Nehemiah Ewell takes his first carry 52 yards to the house. Harrisburg 21, Wilson 0 pic.twitter.com/hdVwtqXbFi Q2, 6:10 — On fourth-and-3, Trays Walker picks off Madyx Gruber in the end zone for Harrisburg. pic.twitter.com/eND1ry2ZuQ More High School Sports Bo Sheptock’s 3 TD’s help lift Danville to PIAA 3A quarterfinal victory over Bermudian Springs Central Pa. contingent helps lead Northwestern, St. Joe’s field hockey into Sunday’s NCAA title game Watch: Highlights of Bishop McDevitt’s District 3 5A title win over Exeter How did Pennsylvania’s top-ranked football teams fare on Friday, Nov. 22?
Toronto Sceptres open PWHL season with 3-1 comeback win over Boston Fleet
Coastal Carolina 73, SC-Upstate 51Maximus contract with CMS for Medicare services cancelled; shares drop
Cerity Partners LLC Has $3.95 Million Stake in Zebra Technologies Co. (NASDAQ:ZBRA)LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — Andrej Jakimovski converted an off-balance layup with 8 seconds left, and Colorado handed No. 2 UConn its second loss in two days at the Maui Invitational, beating the two-time defending national champion 73-72 on Tuesday. A day after a 99-97 overtime loss to Memphis that left Huskies coach Dan Hurley livid about the officiating, UConn (4-2) couldn't shake the unranked Buffaloes (5-1), who shot 62.5% in the second half. With Colorado trailing 72-71 in the closing seconds, Jakimovski drove to his right and absorbed contact from UConn’s Liam McNeeley. He tossed the ball toward the glass and the shot was good as he fell to the floor. Hassan Diarra missed a 3-pointer just ahead of the buzzer for UConn. Elijah Malone and Julian Hammond III scored 16 points each for Colorado, and Jakimovski had 12 points and 10 rebounds. The Huskies led 40-32 at halftime and by nine points early in the second half, but Colorado quickly closed that gap. McNeeley led UConn with 20 points. UConn: Hurley's squad is facing its first adversity in quite a while. The Huskies arrived on Maui with a 17-game winning streak that dated to February. Colorado: The Buffaloes were held to season lows in points (56) and field goal percentage (37%) in a 16-point loss to Michigan State on Monday but shot 51.1% overall and 56.3% (9 of 16) from 3-point range against the Huskies. Hurley called timeout to set up the Huskies' final possession, but the Buffs forced them to take a contested 3. Colorado had a 28-26 rebounding advantage after being out-rebounded 42-29 by Michigan State. Colorado will play the Iowa-Dayton winner in the fifth-place game on Wednesday. UConn will play the loser of that matchup in the seventh-place game. Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college basketball: https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-basketball-poll and https://apnews.com/hub/college-basketball .
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez took a brutal dig at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for her newest position . Greene, R-Ga., has been roped in to lead a new House subcommittee that will work with the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) led by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy . President-elect Trump was initially branded as a joke for creating DOGE which he dubbed the "Manhattan Project of our time." MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow ‘takes seven-figure pay cut’ as ratings plummet Americans at risk of snow bomb in 15 states as winter storm warning issued Musk and Ramaswamy's newest office is designed to “dismantle” government bureaucracy and “slash excess regulations, cut wasteful spending, and restructure Federal Agencies .” Trump confirmed that this unlikely pair will provide external advice to the White House on how to “drive large-scale structural reform." Greene and House Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-Ky. met Ramaswamy and his team to start working together, CNBC reported Thursday . AOC reposted the CNBC story to her X account , criticizing Greene for "not do[ing] the reading." "This is good, actually. She barely shows up and doesn’t do the reading. To borrow a phrase I saw elsewhere, it’s like giving someone an unplugged controller," she said. She replied to her post, further adding, "Absolutely dying at those two now getting assigned the 'privilege' of 'working' with MTG. That is actually hilarious. Enjoy, fellas! Very prestigious post you have there." According to CNBC's sources, Comer is aiming to establish the subcommittee by early 2025, which will be called the Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency. DON'T MISS: Putin sends Kim Jong Un zoo animals as North Korean soldiers enter meat grinder [CHILLING] Russia intercepts NATO-made Storm Shadow missiles in huge escalation [REPORT] Donald Trump ‘could give Ukraine nuclear weapons’ in move against Putin [EXCLUSIVE] “I’m excited to chair this new subcommittee designed to work hand in hand with President Trump, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and the entire DOGE team,” Greene told CNBC. She said that her subcommittee would fire government "bureaucrats" while aiming to "provide transparency and truth to the American people through hearings." “No topic will be off the table,” Greene asserted. AOC and Greene have had a longstanding feud that reached its threshold earlier this year in a viral moment at a Congressional Oversight Committee hearing when Greene made a comment attacking Rep. Jasmine Crockett's (D-Texas) appearance. After Greene mocked Crockett's "fake eyelashes," AOC immediately called her out on her "absolutely unacceptable" behavior which erupted into Greene challenging AOC to "debate" her, later saying the latter lacked "enough intelligence" to engage in a confrontation. Greene has previously attacked AOC multiple times on social media , mocking the congresswoman and asking her to be "a big girl...and come out and be able to talk to American citizens."LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — Isaac Brown and Duke Watson rushed for two touchdowns each, Ramon Puryear returned one of Louisville's five takeaways for a score and the Cardinals blew out rival Kentucky 41-14 on Saturday to win the Governor's Cup for the first time since 2017. Brown's 1-yard TD run started the Cardinals (8-4) toward a 20-0 halftime lead before busting a 67-yard, exclamation-point score midway through the fourth as they halted a five-game losing streak against the Wildcats (4-8). He finished with a career-high 178 yards on 26 carries to surpass quarterback Lamar Jackson and become Louisville's first freshman to rush for 1,000 yards. Jackson ran for 960 yards in 2015, a year before winning the Heisman Trophy. Watson rushed six times for 104 yards, exploding down the left sideline for a 58-yard TD in the second quarter before breaking a 24-yard scoring run late in the third to make it 34-7. Puryear preceded that score with a 20-yard fumble return for a TD to blunt Kentucky's momentum after Ja'Mori Maclin caught a 4-yard TD pass from Gavin Wimsatt for its first score. Wimsatt, who started the second half in relief of Wildcats freshman Cutter Boley, also connected with Maclin for an 83-yard score in the fourth and was 4 of 9 for 125 yards. Defensive back Tamarion McDonald recovered a fumble and intercepted a pass for Louisville, which outgained Kentucky 486-328. Louisville: The Cardinals could have put it out of reach in the first half if they hadn't settled for field goals near the goal line. No big deal, as Brown and Watson broke it open in the second with Puryear highlighting their huge defensive performance. Kentucky: Boley was supposed to offer a peek into the Wildcats' future in his first collegiate start but tossed two interceptions and completing just 6 of 15 passes for 48 yards. Jamarion Wilcox's two fumbles also hurt and Wimsatt was picked off, but his relief effort sparks offseason questions about a QB battle next spring. Louisville awaits its bowl assignment on Dec. 8. Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college football: https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-football-poll and https://apnews.com/hub/college-football
Raptors welcome the imminent return of Cowboy Bruce Brown. But first, some fashion advice for Scottie Barnes
OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC purchased a new position in Credicorp Ltd. ( NYSE:BAP – Free Report ) during the 3rd quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The fund purchased 1,374 shares of the bank’s stock, valued at approximately $249,000. A number of other institutional investors and hedge funds have also recently bought and sold shares of the business. Simplicity Wealth LLC lifted its stake in Credicorp by 2.5% in the 2nd quarter. Simplicity Wealth LLC now owns 2,842 shares of the bank’s stock worth $458,000 after purchasing an additional 70 shares in the last quarter. Atlas Capital Advisors LLC lifted its position in Credicorp by 14.9% during the second quarter. Atlas Capital Advisors LLC now owns 687 shares of the bank’s stock worth $111,000 after buying an additional 89 shares in the last quarter. Crossmark Global Holdings Inc. boosted its stake in Credicorp by 4.3% during the second quarter. Crossmark Global Holdings Inc. now owns 3,049 shares of the bank’s stock worth $492,000 after buying an additional 126 shares during the last quarter. DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale grew its holdings in Credicorp by 0.8% in the 2nd quarter. DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale now owns 21,871 shares of the bank’s stock valued at $3,446,000 after buying an additional 179 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management Company Ltd increased its stake in shares of Credicorp by 7.3% in the 2nd quarter. Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management Company Ltd now owns 2,745 shares of the bank’s stock worth $443,000 after acquiring an additional 186 shares during the last quarter. 89.81% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds. Credicorp Price Performance NYSE:BAP opened at $197.32 on Friday. Credicorp Ltd. has a 52 week low of $122.72 and a 52 week high of $200.00. The stock’s fifty day moving average is $184.99 and its two-hundred day moving average is $173.20. The company has a market capitalization of $15.69 billion, a P/E ratio of 11.32, a P/E/G ratio of 0.66 and a beta of 1.14. The company has a quick ratio of 1.07, a current ratio of 1.07 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.66. Credicorp Cuts Dividend Analysts Set New Price Targets BAP has been the topic of several recent research reports. The Goldman Sachs Group boosted their price target on shares of Credicorp from $143.00 to $160.00 and gave the company a “sell” rating in a research report on Tuesday, October 8th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. boosted their target price on shares of Credicorp from $200.00 to $219.00 and gave the company an “overweight” rating in a report on Tuesday, November 12th. View Our Latest Report on Credicorp About Credicorp ( Free Report ) Credicorp Ltd. provides various financial, insurance, and health services and products primarily in Peru and internationally. It operates through Universal Banking, Insurance and Pensions, Microfinance, and Investment Banking and Equity Management segments. The Universal Banking segment grants various credits and financial instruments to individuals and legal entities; and various deposits and current accounts. Read More Want to see what other hedge funds are holding BAP? Visit HoldingsChannel.com to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for Credicorp Ltd. ( NYSE:BAP – Free Report ). Receive News & Ratings for Credicorp Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Credicorp and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .
TORONTO (AP) — Hannah Miller scored a power-play goal with 1:38 remaining in the game, lifting the Toronto Sceptres to a 3-1 victory over the Boston Fleet in the Professional Women’s Hockey League season opener on Saturday. With Boston standout Hilary Knight in the penalty box for a vicious boarding penalty on Sceptres defender Renata Fast, Miller made good on her rebound attempt on a shot by Daryl Watts with a half-open net. Fast recovered for an assist on the winner before 8,089 fans at Coca-Cola Coliseum. The Fleet challenged the goal, but video review deemed Miller’s shot was good. Sarah Nurse got Toronto on the board with a short-handed tally 11:50 into the first period and Emma Maltais added an empty-net strike with 12 seconds left. Boston’s Hilary Knight opened the scoring 3 minutes in, sending a slap shot past Toronto goalie Kristen Campbell, who registered 18 stops on the night. Toronto outshot Boston 41-19. Boston goalie Aerin Frankel, a big reason why her team advanced to the Walter Cup final last spring, had 38 saves. Sceptres: Billie Jean King MVP Natalie Spooner missed the season opener. The PWHL scoring champion underwent left knee surgery in June after getting injured in Game 3 of Toronto’s first-round series against Minnesota. Fleet: Defender Emma Greco played her first game for Boston. She was part of the Walter Cup-winning Minnesota team that defeated Boston in a three-game series last spring. With the game tied 1-1, the Sceptres failed to score during a 59-second 5-on-3 advantage midway through the second period. Boston blocked five shots during the span. Last year, Toronto enjoyed an 11-game win streak en route to its regular-season championship, including three wins against Boston. Boston will play its home opener on Wednesday, a rematch with the Walter Cup-champion Minnesota. Toronto visits Ottawa on Tuesday. AP women’s hockey: https://apnews.com/hub/womens-hockeyBerkshire County — According to the Great Barrington Fire Department, the Butternut Fire has grown to 1,388 acres as of Friday, November 22. In a statement on social media, the department reported that “although this actual figure is higher than the estimate given yesterday, there has not been any known growth since yesterday.” On Thursday, November 21, the department reported that the fire was 1,200 acres. The department reports that there is still no known immediate threat to homes or properties in the area, and the smoke through the area appears to be minimal. There are 15 crew members currently working on the fire, and there has been a report of active flames on the northeast side of the involved area. ”This is not unusual and can be expected over the days and weeks to come,” the department added. Residents who notice flames can report it at (413) 528-0788 ext. 8. Meanwhile, the Southern Berkshire Health Collaborative announced that, due to the poor air quality in the area, masks will be available for Great Barrington and Sheffield residents. In Great Barrington, protective masks can be picked up at the Town Hall lobby, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the Mason Public Library lobby, Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and the Claire Teague Senior Center, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. In Sheffield, protective masks can be picked up at the Bushnell-Sage Library on Friday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sunday, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.; and Tuesday and Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(BPT) - Every year, roughly 20-30% of older Americans head to warmer climates for the colder winter months. Snowbirds are often retirees on fixed incomes, though flexible work environments now provide more opportunities for anyone to spend several months escaping the chill. Whether on a fixed income or an empty nester with disposable income, consumers are interested in saving money where they can. With this in mind, snowbirds can look to their AARP membership to take advantage of relevant discounts and offerings as they fluff their feathers and get ready for takeoff. From savory breakfast options while driving to your seasonal destination, to home and auto protection, and even resources to support mental and physical health, AARP member benefits offer deals and savings that will help snowbirds take flight this winter. "Spending winters in warmer places has so many benefits that come with being able to be outside more often. Warmth and sunlight not only increase serotonin levels , which can result in more positive moods and a calm, focused mental outlook, but they also stimulate vitamin D production and may even boost immunity ," said Elvira Christiansen, Director of Retail and Loyalty for AARP Services. "An AARP membership makes it even better by offering savings as you plan your trip, as well as at many dining, entertainment and retail locations you will come across in your winter getaway destination, helping you to enjoy it to the fullest." 1. Order Up Road trips are often the preferred way to travel to a winter home for the flexibility of having a car once there. Whether your drive will have you behind the wheel for hours or days, you'll want to make sure you have your meals planned out. Fill up with a tasty breakfast or lunch with a stop at Denny's, which is easy to spot from most major highways. AARP members can save when heading to Denny's . With over 1,500 locations nationwide, members save 15% on everything from diner classics to breakfast items every day; maximum discount not to exceed $10. Restrictions apply. 2. Primary Care from Almost Anywhere Feeling under the weather can put a damper on your winter travels, so it's a good idea to make sure you can access quality healthcare even when you're at your winter destination. If you are on Medicare, you can check whether there is an Oak Street Health primary care clinic near you. Oak Street Health , the only primary care provider to carry the AARP name, provides primary care for adults on Medicare and focuses on prevention with personalized care to help keep you healthy — physically, mentally and socially. Benefits include same-day/next-day appointments where available, convenient locations, a dedicated care team and a 24/7 patient support line. AARP membership is not required to visit an Oak Street Health clinic. 3. Wellness Checklist Once you check off primary care needs for your winter destination, don't overlook other priorities like maintaining your prescriptions and protecting your vision. Start by making sure your prescriptions are up to date before you head out of town. If you do need a refill while you're away, you have access to a free prescription discount card from AARP ® Prescription Discounts provided by Optum Rx ® that can be used at over 66,000 pharmacies nationwide for savings on FDA-approved medications. You do not need to be an AARP member to take advantage of these benefits, though AARP members receive additional perks, including deeper discounts on medications, home delivery, coverage for your dependents and more. If you're having trouble with your vision, want to update your sunglass prescription, or simply want to maintain your annual visits to an optometrist or ophthalmologist while away, AARP members have access to information on vision insurance options that offer individual and family plans, featuring a large doctor network, savings on frames, lens enhancements, progressives and more. 4. Home (Safety) Away from Home One thing that should always be a priority is keeping your home safe while you're away for the winter. While Neighborhood Watch is always helpful, long periods away from a home require additional security systems. With an AARP membership, homeowners can secure their homes for less. Members save 5% on monthly home security monitoring with ADT Home Security , which covers smart home security systems including intrusion monitoring, connected smoke and CO detection, and smart automation for video doorbells, security cameras and smart locks. 5. Pack Auto Coverage in Your Luggage Driving south for the winter? Utilize AARP member benefits to save on auto care so you can road trip worry free. AARP members save up to 20% on annual membership fees for Allstate Roadside Assistance plans, which provides access to assistance for towing, jump-starts, tire changes, lockout assistance, fuel delivery and more. Allstate Roadside plan benefits can be used 24/7 in any car you drive, including rented and borrowed ones. And, if you want to bring any personal items with you but don't have room to squeeze them in your car, Budget Truck Rental has a variety of trucks for you to choose from. AARP members can save 20% on local or one-way truck rentals on Sunday through Thursday and 10% on Friday and Saturday, plus receive a $10-per-day Physical Damage Waiver. Regardless of how you're traveling or spending your winter months, AARP member benefits can help you maximize your budget while you prioritize the things that matter. To learn more about the benefits and discounts for AARP members to help you prepare for your relaunch, please visit aarp.org/save . AARP member benefits are provided by third parties. AARP receives a royalty fee for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. Provider offers are subject to change and may have restrictions.
Former Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz on Thursday as about sexual relationships he had with a minor emerged. Gaetz had already announced his immediate resignation from Congress, but it’s possible he could take his seat in the next Congress in January. How would this work? First, Gaetz would have to rescind his intention to not take the seat that he won in November in the Congress that begins in January 2025. He officially from Congress on Nov. 13 when he submitted a letter declaring his resignation “effective immediately.” Adding, “I do not intend to take the oath of office for the same office in the 119th Congress.” There is no existing precedent for a member of Congress resigning from one session of Congress, but then taking the same seat they were elected to in the next. That makes this a bit murky — and there are for the situation. If Gaetz claimed that he now intends to take his seat in January, someone could sue to prevent him from doing so. That could be the Florida Secretary of State, who could claim that his resignation was official and the special election to fill his seat was already under way. It’s unclear how courts would rule in such a situation because it’s unprecedented. Related...Allar puts critics on mute, keeps winning for Penn State
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Former President Jimmy Carter, the God-fearing Georgia peanut farmer who survived a disastrous one-term White House stay to launch a second career as a Nobel Prize-winning advocate for global human rights, died Sunday at 100. Carter went into hospice care at home on Feb. 18, 2023 after a short series of hospital stays, the Carter Center charity organization said at the time. The ex-commander-in-chief opted to spend his final days with family rather than seek any additional medical intervention. His son Chip confirmed his death, at his home in Plains , to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. His wife of 74 years, Rosalynn Carter, preceded him in death on Nov. 19, 2023. The 39th president was in attendance at her memorial service Nov. 28, where, seated in a wheelchair with a blanket over his lap, he appeared frail and was unable to speak, according to family. Hus daughter Amy delivered remarks on his behalf at the service. Carter, a Democrat, lived longer than any other U.S. president, earning that distinction in 2019 when he reached 94 years and 172 days old. Relegated to the historical sidelines after a four-year presidency mired in malaise, Carter rebounded to write 32 books, build houses for the poor, stand up to tyranny abroad and capture the coveted Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Carter took office in 1977. With his victory over incumbent Gerald Ford, he aimed to restore faith in America and its government after the nightmare of Watergate forced President Nixon to resign in disgrace. But his own term was plagued by rampant inflation, long gas lines, wars in Afghanistan and Nicaragua, and a 444-day hostage crisis in Iran — the latter low-lighted by an embarrassingly failed rescue attempt. Carter’s bid for re-election was crushed by Republican Ronald Reagan, sending the former commander in chief back to Georgia a beaten man, deeply unpopular and seemingly destined for obscurity. Carter instead grabbed a hammer, climbed a ladder and built houses for the poor with Habitat for Humanity. He boarded planes to monitor elections abroad and broker peace deals. And he returned to his church in Plains, Ga., to teach Sunday school. “I have one life and one chance to make it count for something,” Carter told his biographer, Jim Wooten, in 1995. “My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can, with whatever I have, to try to make a difference. “Most of the time, believe it or not, I enjoy myself.” James Earl Carter, Jr. was the first American president born in a hospital — Wise Sanitarium in tiny Plains, Ga., where his mother worked as a nurse. He was raised without electricity or plumbing on his family’s nearby peanut farm. The backwoods town of 600 residents would remain Carter’s beloved and modest home for the rest of his life. His father Earl was an enthusiastic segregationist. But his mother, known to all as Miss Lillian, made a point of caring for poor Black women while cheering on Black boxer Joe Louis and baseball’s color-line defying Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Carter joined the Navy in 1943 to see the world and did so well at Annapolis that he earned a place in the new, elite nuclear submarine program. Nine years later, Carter helped build the reactor for the first nuclear sub and did graduate work in nuclear physics at Union College. The following year, he went home to save the ailing family farm, and with new bride Rosalynn, welcomed three sons and a daughter. He became a deacon at Plains Baptist Church, served on civic boards and in the Georgia state senate. Carter won the Georgia governorship in 1970, at least in part by cozying up to segregationists, who were then furious when he declared the time for racial discrimination was over. Carter soon began outlining the remarkable national campaign that propelled “Jimmy Who?” past a half-dozen high-profile Democrats to the party’s presidential nomination. He stressed his honesty, sincerity, Christianity and outsider status — the perfect panacea for voters in the aftermath of Watergate and Vietnam. Despite some gaffes — he nearly blew a 30-point lead after infamously confessing to Playboy that he had “lusted in my heart” after other women — Carter vanquished Ford in the bicentennial year of 1976. He tried from the start to return humility to the White House. Carter walked the inaugural parade route rather than ride in a limo, banned the playing of “Hail to the Chief,” carried his own luggage and personally kept the schedule for the White House tennis court. But his outsider status didn’t play well on Capitol Hill, where Democratic party leaders regarded him as sanctimonious and balked at his agenda. His younger brother, Billy, who hawked Billy Beer and got drunk in public, didn’t help when he cozied up to Libyan officials and collected $220,000 from the nation’s government. A bizarre attack by a rabid swimming rabbit during a fishing trip added to Carter’s hapless image. His big foreign policy achievement — personally brokering the 1978 Camp David peace treaty between Israel and Egypt — failed to save him. Though he never actually said the word, a malaise settled over his White House. In 1980, voters overwhelmingly chose Reagan’s sunny optimism over Carter’s gloomy warnings about cutting back and conserving. He lost 44 states in the general election. The undaunted political has-been went on to found The Carter Center, which pioneered election monitoring and sent watchdogs to 81 elections in 33 countries. Carter personally traveled on peace missions to Haiti, Bosnia, Ethiopia, North Korea, Sudan, Nepal and Colombia. Though criticized for talking to despots, dictators and tyrants, his rebuttal was always simple: “I’ll talk with anybody who wants to talk about peace.” Carter insisted his presidency was more successful than people remember, noting recently that the United States military never launched a missile or dropped a bomb under his watch. Carter announced in August 2015 that he had cancer after having surgery to remove a small mass from his liver. Though the cancer spread to his liver and brain, the battled-toughened old politician pulled through. He was survived by his three sons, Jack, Chip and Jeff; a daughter, Amy; and 11 grandchildren, including one who captured grandfather’s old seat in the Georgia state senate.
At a Wednesday news conference where he joined other local leaders to discuss Preakness 2025, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore spoke briefly about the case of Luigi Mangione, the Maryland man who has been charged in the shooting death of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. “I was 3 years old when my dad died in front of me because he didn’t get the health care he needed. And so the brokenness of the healthcare system is something I’ve lived with. It still very much sits with me to this day. Working to fix it is something I still make a core part of my why and my ethos,” said Moore, whose father died from a rare, but treatable virus. Related Articles “I also know that the way we solve things is not by killing people in cold blood. The way we solve things is not killing people because we don’t like the industry they’re in or the company they represent. And I’m glad that the wheels of justice are now moving. “We need to have justice for what happened to Brian Thompson. I would just ask people to remember that because of the actions of this person, there are two teenagers right now in Minnesota who are growing up like I did. Fatherless. And we can never forget that.”
Steamer’s Grillhouse, a Los Gatos classic, is closing after 45 yearsNo. 2 Ohio State takes control in the 2nd half and runs over No. 5 Indiana 38-15 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Will Howard passed for two touchdowns and rushed for another, TreVeyon Henderson ran for a score and No. 2 Ohio State beat previously undefeated No. 5 Indiana 38-15. All Ohio State has to do now is beat Michigan at home next Saturday and it will earn a return to the Big Ten championship game for the first time since 2020 and get a rematch with No. 1 Oregon. The Ducks beat Ohio State 32-31 in a wild one back on Oct. 12. Man City routed 4-0 by Tottenham in fifth-straight defeat as crisis deepens for Pep Guardiola What started as an evening of celebration for Manchester City ended with the four-time defending Premier League champion falling to a fifth-straight loss in all competitions and facing a deepening crisis in a season that is threatening to unravel. A 4-0 defeat to Tottenham left City five points behind league leader Liverpool, having played a game more. Two goals from James Maddison inside 20 minutes at the Etihad Stadium stunned the home crowd. Pedro Porro scored a third for Tottenham after halftime. Brennan Johnson added a fourth in the third minute of stoppage time. City manager Pep Guardiola signed a two-year contract extension this week. Chelsea, Arsenal and Brighton all won and closed the gap on Liverpool to six points. Florida knocks No. 9 Ole Miss out of College Football Playoff contention, 24-17 in the Swamp GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — DJ Lagway threw two touchdown passes, Montrell Johnson ran for 127 yards and a score, and Florida upset No. 9 Mississippi 24-17 on Saturday to knock the Rebels out of College Football Playoff contention. The Gators beat ranked teams in consecutive weeks for the first time since 2008 and became bowl eligible. The late-season spurt provided another vote of confidence for coach Billy Napier, who is expected back for a fourth season. Ole Miss lost for the first time in four games and surely will drop out of the 12-team playoff picture. Jennings has 3 TDs as No. 13 SMU routs Virginia 33-7 to clinch a spot in the ACC title game CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) — Kevin Jennings threw for a career-high 323 yards and two touchdowns and ran for another, and No. 13 SMU clinched a spot in the Atlantic Coast Conference championship game by routing Virginia 33-7. Isaiah Smith and Jared Harrison-Hunte each had two sacks to help the Mustangs extend their winning streak to eight. They would earn an automatic bid into the expanded College Football Playoff by beating 11th-ranked Miami or 17th-ranked Clemson in the ACC title game on Dec. 7 in Charlotte, North Carolina. UVa must beat rival Virginia Tech next week to become bowl eligible. No. 11 Miami pulls away late to beat Wake Forest 42-14 and move one win from the ACC title game MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Cam Ward passed for 280 yards and threw two touchdowns to Jacolby George on another record-breaking day, Mishael Powell ran an interception back 76 yards for a touchdown and No. 11 Miami pulled away late to beat Wake Forest 42-14. The 10-1 Hurricanes can clinch a berth in the ACC title game with a win at Syracuse next weekend. Ward completed 27 of 38 passes, plus ran for a score. Demond Claiborne had a 100-yard kickoff return for a touchdown for 4-7 Wake Forest. No. 24 Illinois stuns Rutgers on Bryant's 40-yard TD reception with 4 seconds left PISCATAWAY, N.J. (AP) — Luke Altmyer found Pat Bryant for a catch-and-run, 40-yard touchdown pass with 4 seconds left, sending No. 24 Illinois to a wild 38-31 victory over Rutgers. Illinois was down 31-30 when it sent long kicker Ethan Moczulski out for a desperation 58-yard field goal with 14 seconds to go. Rutgers coach Greg Schiano then called for a timeout right before Moczulski’s attempt was wide left and about 15 yards short. After the missed field goal was waved off by the timeout, Illinois coach Bret Bielema sent his offense back on the field. Altmyer hit Bryant on an in cut on the left side at the 22, and he continued across the field and scored untouched. Hidalgo leads No. 6 Notre Dame over JuJu Watkins and third-ranked USC 74-61 in big matchup out West LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hannah Hidalgo scored 24 points and No. 6 Notre Dame defeated JuJu Watkins and third-ranked Southern California 74-61 in a marquee matchup on the West Coast. Hidalgo had six rebounds and eight assists in front of several WNBA scouts. Olivia Miles added 20 points for the Fighting Irish, who improved to 5-0. Watkins finished with 24 points, six rebounds and five assists for the Trojans, who fell to 4-1. The Irish came out strong, taking a 20-10 lead in the first quarter, when Hidalgo had 11 points. They never looked back and stayed poised when USC came within three points three different times. Andy Murray will coach Novak Djokovic through the Australian Open Recently retired Andy Murray will team up with Novak Djokovic, working with him as a coach through the Australian Open in January. Murray’s representatives put out statements from both players on Saturday. Djokovic is a 24-time Grand Slam champion who has spent more weeks at No. 1 than any other player in tennis history. Murray won three major trophies and two Olympic singles gold medals who finished 2016 atop the ATP rankings. He retired as a player after the Paris Summer Games in August. Jannik Sinner and Matteo Berrettini lift Italy past Australia and back to the Davis Cup final MALAGA, Spain (AP) — Top-ranked Jannik Sinner and Matteo Berrettini won their singles matches to lift defending champion Italy past Australia 2-0 and back into the Davis Cup final. Sinner extended his tour-level winning streak to 24 sets in a row by beating No. 9 Alex de Minaur 6-3, 6-4 on Saturday on an indoor hard court in Malaga, Spain. That came after Berrettini came back to defeat Thanasi Kokkinakis 6-7 (6), 6-3, 7-5. Italy will meet first-time finalist Netherlands on Sunday for the title. The Dutch followed up their victory over Rafael Nadal and Spain in the quarterfinals by eliminating Germany on Friday. Argentina's Racing wins its first Copa Sudamericana championship by beating Brazil's Cruzeiro 3-1 ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) — Gaston Martirena and Adrian Martinez scored first-half goals as Argentina’s Racing won its first Copa Sudamericana championship by beating Brazil’s Cruzeiro 3-1 in the final on Saturday. Martirena opened the scoring in the 15th minute and Martinez added a goal five minutes later to help give “La Academia” its first international title since 1988 when it won the Supercopa Sudamericana. Roger Martinez sealed the victory with a goal in the 90th. “Maravilla” Martinez scored 10 goals in 13 matches and finished as the top scorer in the competition. Kaio Jorge scored in the 52nd for Cruzeiro.
'A Complete Unknown' factcheck: What some key scenes Bob Dylan movie gets right, wrong
Sam Darnold completed 33 of 43 passes for a career-best 377 yards to go with three touchdowns and one interception, and the Minnesota Vikings escaped with a 27-25 win over the Green Bay Packers on Sunday afternoon in Minneapolis. Justin Jefferson had eight catches for 92 yards for Minnesota (14-2), which won its ninth game in a row. Jalen Nailor, Jordan Addison and Cam Akers had one touchdown reception apiece for the Vikings. Jordan Love completed 19 of 30 passes for 185 yards and one touchdown for Green Bay (11-5). Josh Jacobs and Emanuel Wilson each rushed for a touchdown and Malik Heath had a touchdown catch for the Packers, who lost to the Vikings for the second time this season. Minnesota's nine-game winning streak matches its third longest in franchise history. The Vikings are enjoying their longest stretch of success since 1975, when they won 10 straight. Green Bay rallied with back-to-back touchdowns in the fourth quarter to pull within two. Wilson scored on a 5-yard run to cut the Packers' deficit to 27-18 with 6:12 to go. Love brought Green Bay within 27-25 with 2:18 to play. He fired a 3-yard touchdown pass to Heath, who scored on a quick slant. The Vikings got the ball on the following kickoff and never gave it back to Green Bay. Darnold secured the win when he lobbed a pass to Akers for a first down to set up the victory formation. The Packers opened the scoring late in the first quarter with a 22-yard field goal by Brandon McManus. Minnesota responded to grab a 13-3 lead at the half. Darnold found Nailor for a 31-yard touchdown with 11:52 remaining in the first half. Nailor was wide open and made a basket catch near the back of the end zone. Reichard rounded out the first-half scoring with field goals from 25 yards and 50 yards. The Vikings increased their lead to 20-3 on the opening drive of the second half. Addison made a diving grab for an 18-yard touchdown. Green Bay pulled within 20-10 with 5:07 left in the third quarter. Jacobs scored on a 2-yard run. Darnold's third touchdown pass, this time to Akers, made it 27-10 in favor of the Vikings with 51 seconds remaining in the third quarter. --Field Level MediaNo. 22 Syracuse looking for 10 wins in 1st year under Fran Brown against depleted Washington State
Jimmy Carter: The unlikely 39th president of the United States
Menendez brothers' bid for freedom delayed until JanuaryCHICAGO (AP) — Aidan Laughery rushed for three touchdowns and No. 22 Illinois topped Northwestern 38-28 on Saturday to reach nine victories for the first time since its 2007 Rose Bowl season. Pat Bryant dashed in to score off Luke Altmyer’s 43-yard pass early in the third quarter as Illinois (9-3, 6-3 Big Ten) struck for touchdowns just over 4 minutes apart early in the third quarter to open a 28-10 lead in what had been a tight game. Bryant's 10th receiving touchdown tied a school record. Altmyer, who threw for 170 yards, had a TD himself on a keeper from the 1-yard line early in the second quarter. David Olano added a field goal in the fourth to cap Illinois' scoring. Laughery, a sophomore running back, rushed for a career-best 172 yards and topped 100 for the first time. He entered with only one TD this season and two for his career. He had a career-long 64-yard run for a score early in the second half. Coach Bret Bielema said he wasn't surprised by Laughery's explosive performance as the Gibson City, Illinois product rounded back into form after being hampered by a hamstring injury earlier this season. “I thought today would be a day that could happen,” Bielema said. “Today some of those turned into big home run hits we've kind of been waiting on all year.” Laughery said he's been prepping for this kind of game, when he carried the ball 12 times for an average of 14.3 yards. “Finally, the opportunity was there,” said Laughery, who got the game ball. “You know you gotta' hit one and it came together today.” He credited the Illini offensive line with opening space for his breakout performance. “Those guys were covering them (Northwestern's defense) all day long,” Laughery said. “It was awesome running behind the looks we were getting” Northwestern’s Devin Turner intercepted Altmyer twice, including for a 13-yard touchdown return late in the first quarter. Thomas Gordon caught Jack Lausch's 15-yard TD pass with a minute left, then the Wildcats added a two-point conversion to complete the scoring. Northwestern (4-8, 2-7 Big Ten) didn’t pack it in as hosted its second game this season at Wrigley Field, this time on a breezy sunny day with game-time temperature of 20 degrees. It looked like the Illini might run away after Bryant’s 10th receiving touchdown 4:52 into the third. He entered tied for the Big Ten lead. But Luke Akers kicked his second field goal of the game, a 34-yarder, with 5:35 left in the third quarter to cut it to 28-13. Lausch led the Wildcats on their next possession and finished it with an 11-yard touchdown toss to A.J. Henning to narrow the Illini lead to 28-20. Then Mac Resetich intercepted Lausch’s pass 50 seconds into the fourth quarter. Laughery powered up the middle for 31 yards and his third TD about two minutes later to quell the Wildcats' momentum. Northwestern dominated in possession time — 34:32 to 25:28 —and plays — 90 to 53. The margin was even more pronounced in the first half, but the Wildcats settled for a 13-yard touchdown return on Turner’s second pick of the game with 2:14 left in the first quarter and Akers’ 21-yard field goal that opened the scoring 6:29 in. Illinois led 14-10 at the half on Laughery’s 30-yard TD run midway through the first quarter and Altmyer’s keeper 1:39 into the second. Akers missed wide to the right on a 44-yard attempt as time ran out in the half. Wide receivers down Both teams’ leading pass receivers were injured. Northwestern’s Bryce Kirtz was knocked out of the game in the first quarter with a lower-body injury after two receptions that upped his total yards to 598. Illinois’ Bryant went to the locker room with about 5 minutes left in the first half after Turner collided with him as he plucked his second interception. Bryant returned, however, for the second half. The takeaway Illinois: Is in line for a prestigious bowl game appearance and a chance to tie the school record of 10 wins, most recently set during their 2001 Sugar Bowl season. “We wanted to put ourselves in a good position on this day to get to nine wins and see where it can go,” Bielema said. “Just a fun day overall. I don't know what the future holds. It think we're a team that can play with anybody in the country.” Northwestern: Finished its second season under coach David Braun at 4-8 overall and 2-7 in the Big Ten. The Wildcats dropped their final three and five of the last six. Up next Illinois is headed to a bowl game. Northwestern opens its 2025 season at Tulane on Aug. 30. ___ AP college football: https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-football-poll and https://apnews.com/hub/college-football . Sign up for the AP’s college football newsletter: https://apnews.com/cfbtop25
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Week 13 has been a busy one on the NFL calendar, with three games on Thursday, one on Friday, and 11 on Sunday. Now, we settle in for one remaining game as Monday Night Football takes center stage. The Denver Broncos welcome the Cleveland Browns into the Mile High City for tonight’s game as they look to solidify their hold on the seventh seed in the AFC playoff picture . Denver enters the game at 7-5 on the season, holding the final wild card position in the conference. The Browns are 4-8, looking to turn around a rough season and potentially climb back into the race in the AFC. Who will win tonight’s game? Our contributors are here to bring you their predictions, along with a look at the current odds ahead of kickoff. Tonight’s game starts at 8:15 p.m. Eastern on ESPN. There is no ManningCast tonight. What are the latest FanDuel sportsbook odds? The Broncos come in as heavy favorites for this game, sitting at -6.5 for the spread. They are -295 on the moneyline for the straight-up win while the Browns are +240 for the upset. The point total is 41.5. All odds are brought to us by FanDuel sportsbook . Who will win? Our contributors make their winners picks each week of the season. We mostly focus only on the straight-up winners. Some of the group, however, have also made picks against the spread and with the point total for each game. You can check out our picks, including the spread picks, in the widget below, provided to us by Tallysight . Here are our Monday picks for Week 13.
Green had three steals for the Bulldogs (5-0). Kaden Cooper scored 18 points and added 12 rebounds and four steals. Amaree Abram went 8 of 13 from the field to finish with 18 points, while adding six steals. Kennard Davis led the way for the Salukis (2-4) with 16 points, 10 rebounds and three steals. Southern Illinois also got 15 points and eight rebounds from Jarrett Hensley. Ali Abdou Dibba also had 12 points and two steals. Cooper scored 12 points in the first half and Louisiana Tech went into the break trailing 31-27. Abram's 16-point second half helped Louisiana Tech close out the six-point victory. NEXT UP These two teams both play Tuesday in the six-team, round-robin tournament. Louisiana Tech squares off against Richmond and Southern Illinois faces Eastern Kentucky. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .Kendrick Lamar surprises with new album 'GNX' LOS ANGELES (AP) — Kendrick Lamar gave music listeners an early holiday present with a new album. The Grammy winner released his sixth studio album “GNX” on Friday. The 12-track project is the rapper’s first release since 2022’s “Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers.” Lamar’s new album comes just months after his rap battle with Drake. The rap megastar will headline February's Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show in New Orleans. The 37-year-old has experienced massive success since his debut album “good kid, m.A.A.d city” in 2012. Since then, he’s accumulated 17 Grammy wins and became the first non-classical, non-jazz musician to win a Pulitzer Prize. NBA memo to players urges increased vigilance regarding home security following break-ins MIAMI (AP) — The NBA is urging its players to take additional precautions to secure their homes following reports of recent high-profile burglaries of dwellings owned by Milwaukee Bucks forward Bobby Portis and Kansas City Chiefs teammates Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce. In a memo sent to team officials, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, the NBA revealed that the FBI has connected some burglaries to “transnational South American Theft Groups” that are “reportedly well-organized, sophisticated rings that incorporate advanced techniques and technologies, including pre-surveillance, drones, and signal jamming devices.” Ancient meets modern as a new subway in Greece showcases archaeological treasures THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) — Thessaloniki, Greece’s second-largest city, is opening a new subway system, blending ancient archaeological treasures with modern transit technology like driverless trains and platform screen doors. The project, which began in 2003, uncovered over 300,000 artifacts, including a Roman-era thoroughfare and Byzantine relics, many of which are now displayed in its 13 stations. Despite delays caused by preserving these findings, the inaugural line has been completed, with a second line set to open next year. Conor McGregor must pay $250K to woman who says he raped her, civil jury rules LONDON (AP) — A civil jury in Ireland has awarded more than $250,000 to a woman who says she was raped by mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor in a Dublin hotel penthouse after a night of heavy partying. The jury on Friday awarded Nikita Hand in her lawsuit that claimed McGregor “brutally raped and battered” her in 2018. The lawsuit says the assault left her heavily bruised and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. McGregor testified that he never forced her to do anything and that Hand fabricated her allegations after the two had consensual sex. McGregor says he will appeal the verdict. At least 19 people are sick in Minnesota from ground beef tied to E. coli recall U.S. health officials say at least 19 people in Minnesota have been sickened by E. coli poisoning tied to a national recall of more than 167,000 pounds of potentially tainted ground beef. Detroit-based Wolverine Packing Co. recalled the meat sent to restaurants nationwide. Minnesota state agriculture officials reported multiple illnesses and found that a sample of the product tested positive for E. coli, which can cause life-threatening infections. No illnesses have been reported outside of Minnesota. Symptoms of E. coli poisoning include fever, vomiting, diarrhea and signs of dehydration. Actor Jonathan Majors’ ex-girlfriend drops assault and defamation lawsuit against once-rising star NEW YORK (AP) — Jonathan Majors’ ex-girlfriend has dropped her assault and defamation lawsuit against the once-rising Hollywood star after reaching a settlement. Lawyers for Majors and Grace Jabbari agreed to dismiss the case with prejudice Thursday. Jabbari is a British dancer who had accused Majors of subjecting her to escalating incidents of physical and verbal abuse during their relationship. Representatives for Majors didn’t respond to emails seeking comment Friday. Jabbari’s lawyer said the suit was “favorably settled” and her client is moving on with “her head held high.” Majors was convicted of misdemeanor assault and harassment last December and sentenced to a yearlong counseling program. Hyundai, Kia recall over 208,000 electric vehicles to fix problem that can cause loss of power DETROIT (AP) — Hyundai and Kia are recalling over 208,000 electric vehicles to fix a pesky problem that can cause loss of drive power, increasing the risk of a crash. The recalls cover more than 145,000 Hyundai and Genesis vehicles including the 2022 through 2024 Ioniq 5, the 2023 through 2025 Ioniq 6, GV60 and GV70, and the 2023 and 2024 G80. Also included are nearly 63,000 Kia EV 6 vehicles from 2022 through 2024. The affiliated Korean automakers say in government documents that a transistor in a charging control unit can be damaged and stop charging the 12-volt battery. Dealers will inspect and replace the control unit and a fuse if needed. They also will update software. Christmas TV movies are in their Taylor Swift era, with two Swift-inspired films airing this year Two of the new holiday movies coming to TV this season have a Taylor Swift connection that her fans would have no problem decoding. “Christmas in the Spotlight” debuts Saturday on Lifetime. It stars Jessica Lord as the world’s biggest pop star and Laith Wallschleger, playing a pro football player, who meet and fall in love, not unlike Swift and her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. On Nov. 30, Hallmark will air “Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story.” Instead of a nod to Swift, it’s an ode to family traditions and bonding, like rooting for a sports team. Hallmark’s headquarters is also in Kansas City. Top football recruit Bryce Underwood changes commitment to Michigan instead of LSU, AP source says ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) — Top football recruit Bryce Underwood has flipped to Michigan after pledging to play at LSU. That's according to a person familiar with the situation who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to share the recruit’s plans to join the Wolverines. Underwood pinned a post on his Instagram account, showing a post in which On3.com reported that he has committed to Michigan. The 6-foot-3 quarterback played at Belleville High School about 15 miles east of Michigan's campus, and told LSU nearly a year ago he intended to enroll there. Emperor penguin released at sea 20 days after waddling onto Australian beach MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — The only emperor penguin known to have swum from Antarctica to Australia has been released at sea 20 days after he waddled ashore on a popular tourist beach. The adult male was found on Nov. 1 on sand dunes in temperate southwest Australia about 2,200 miles north of the Antarctic coast. He was released Wednesday from a boat that traveled several hours from Western Australia state's most southerly city of Albany. His caregiver Carol Biddulph wasn't sure at first if the penguin would live. She said a mirror was important to his rehabilitation because they provide a sense of company. Biddulph said: “They’re social birds and he stands next to the mirror most of the time.”
Pokemon Go players slam “deceptive” Into the Wild event Raid ticketTop-25 teams will hit the court in four games on Tuesday’s college basketball schedule. That includes the Arizona State Sun Devils squaring off against the Kentucky Wildcats at Trojan Fieldhouse at Moore Physical Education Center. Watch women’s college basketball, other live sports and more on Fubo. What is Fubo? Fubo is a streaming service that gives you access to your favorite live sports and shows on demand. Use our link to sign up for a free trial. Catch tons of live women’s college basketball , plus original programming, with ESPN+ or the Disney Bundle.
A woman has died after she was discovered in a block of flats suffering . or signup to continue reading Police were called to a unit complex on Vicliffe Avenue in Campsie, a leafy, suburban street in , around 3pm on November 25. The woman had been found in a stairwell in the block of flats with burns to her body, emergency services were told. Paramedics found the woman alive and she was treated at the scene before being taken to Concord Hospital. Police confirmed no one else was found injured at the unit complex. Later the same night, at 9.25pm, police were told the woman had died in hospital. She has not been formally identified but police believe the woman is 44-years-old. Investigators have urged members of the public with information about the woman or her death to contact police. A crime scene has been set up at the Campsie flats as police launched an investigation into the death. Police said a report would be prepared for the Coroner. Anna Houlahan reports on crime and social issues affecting regional and remote Australia in her role as national crime reporter at Australian Community Media (ACM). She was ACM’s Trainee of the Year in 2023 and, aside from reporting on crime, has travelled the country as a journalist for Explore Travel Magazine. Reach out with news or updates to anna.houlahan@austcommunitymedia.com.au Anna Houlahan reports on crime and social issues affecting regional and remote Australia in her role as national crime reporter at Australian Community Media (ACM). She was ACM’s Trainee of the Year in 2023 and, aside from reporting on crime, has travelled the country as a journalist for Explore Travel Magazine. Reach out with news or updates to anna.houlahan@austcommunitymedia.com.au DAILY Today's top stories curated by our news team. WEEKDAYS Grab a quick bite of today's latest news from around the region and the nation. WEEKLY The latest news, results & expert analysis. WEEKDAYS Catch up on the news of the day and unwind with great reading for your evening. WEEKLY Get the editor's insights: what's happening & why it matters. WEEKLY Love footy? We've got all the action covered. WEEKLY Every Saturday and Tuesday, explore destinations deals, tips & travel writing to transport you around the globe. WEEKLY Going out or staying in? Find out what's on. WEEKDAYS Sharp. Close to the ground. Digging deep. Your weekday morning newsletter on national affairs, politics and more. TWICE WEEKLY Your essential national news digest: all the big issues on Wednesday and great reading every Saturday. WEEKLY Get news, reviews and expert insights every Thursday from CarExpert, ACM's exclusive motoring partner. TWICE WEEKLY Get real, Australia! Let the ACM network's editors and journalists bring you news and views from all over. AS IT HAPPENS Be the first to know when news breaks. DAILY Your digital replica of Today's Paper. Ready to read from 5am! DAILY Test your skills with interactive crosswords, sudoku & trivia. Fresh daily! Advertisement Advertisement
( MENAFN - GetNews) "MarketsandMarketsTM"Gluten-free Products market by Type (Bakery Products, Snacks & RTE Products, Pizzas & Pastas, Condiments & Dressings), Form, Distribution Channel (Conventional Stores, Specialty Stores, and Drugstores & Pharmacies), Source - Global Forecast to 2029 The global gluten-free products market is experiencing significant expansion. Valued at USD 7.70 billion in 2024, it is projected to reach USD 11.48 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 8.3%. This growth is fueled by the increasing prevalence of celiac disease and gluten sensitivities, which have broadened the market's consumer base. According to a 2023 report by the National Library of Medicine, celiac disease affects 0.5–1% of the general population, with incidence rates rising over the past two decades due to improved detection and diagnosis methods. The risk is significantly higher among individuals with other autoimmune conditions, such as type 1 diabetes, and first-degree relatives of those affected, who face a 1 in 10 risk. As awareness grows, consumers are increasingly turning to gluten-free foods to manage these health conditions, driving demand worldwide. Download PDF Brochure: Microencapsulation Technology: A Game-Changer for Gluten-Free Products Microencapsulation technology offers a transformative opportunity for the gluten-free products market. This technology protects sensitive ingredients, such as gluten-free flours, by encasing them in a protective coating. This barrier shields the ingredients from oxidation, moisture absorption, and flavor degradation, ensuring greater stability and freshness. Moreover, it reduces reliance on artificial preservatives, aligning with the growing consumer preference for clean-label products. Products with extended shelf life not only reduce waste but also improve distribution efficiency and expand market reach, making gluten-free products more appealing to a broader audience. For manufacturers, this innovation provides a competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving market, enabling them to cater to the rising demand for high-quality, long-lasting gluten-free foods. Bakery Products Dominate the Gluten-free Products Market In 2023, bakery products accounted for the largest share of the gluten-free market, driven by their role as everyday staples such as bread, cakes, and cookies. The growing demand for gluten-free alternatives has spurred innovation, resulting in products with enhanced taste, texture, and nutritional value. These items are often made using whole grains, seeds, and alternative flours, appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking nutritious and gluten-free options. The versatility and convenience of gluten-free bakery items, available in fresh, frozen, and packaged formats, contribute to their popularity. Their widespread accessibility and acceptance further propel the growth of this segment, making bakery products a cornerstone of the gluten-free market. Make an Inquiry: Conventional Stores Lead the Distribution Channels Conventional stores, including supermarkets, hypermarkets, and online retailers, are projected to dominate the distribution channels for gluten-free products during the forecast period. These stores offer unparalleled convenience, a diverse product range, and accessibility that make them the preferred choice for consumers. Supermarkets and hypermarkets provide in-person shopping options, while online platforms cater to the growing preference for doorstep delivery and an extensive selection of gluten-free items. The increasing number of gluten-sensitive consumers has prompted traditional retailers to expand their gluten-free product inventory, ensuring they remain competitive in this thriving market. Europe is Expected to Dominates the Gluten-free Products Market Share. Europe is poised to be the fastest-growing region in the gluten-free products market, driven by rising health awareness and dietary preferences. The demand for gluten-free products among health-conscious individuals and those with gluten intolerance is a key growth factor. Leading Gluten-free Products Companies The region is home to leading industry players, including Barilla G. e R. F.lli S.p.A. (Italy), Raisio Oyj (Finland), Dr. Schär AG / SPA (Italy), Ecotone (France), and Alara Wholefoods (UK). These companies are driving market growth through investments in product innovation and the expansion of production capacity to meet the increasing demand. The Kraft Heinz Company (US) Kraft Heinz is one of the largest global food and beverage companies, with a large portfolio of brands in condiments and sauces, cheese and dairy, meals, meats, refreshment beverages, coffee, and other grocery categories. The company was formed on July 2, 2015, by the merger of Kraft Foods Group and H.J. Heinz Holding Corporation. Thus, Kraft Heinz has been among the leading food companies in the world. The company sells its diverse product line through grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, mass merchants, foodservice distributors, and institutions. The gluten-free products that Kraft Heinz sells are broad, wherein its category includes condiments and sauces, cheese and dairy, frozen and chilled foods, and meats and seafood. The product categories of the company are organized into seven strategic platforms, including taste elevation, fast fresh meals, easy meals made better, real food snacking, flavourful hydration, easy indulgent desserts, and others. Of the total revenue of the company, 34% was contributed by taste elevation platform in FY2023. Kraft Heinz operates under two geographic regions: North America and International. The total number of manufacturing and processing facilities operated is 75. Conagra Brands, Inc. (US) Conagra Brands, Inc. is one of the leading food firms in North America, which specializes in processed and packaged foods and maintains a headquarters in Chicago. It operates through four segments: Grocery and Snacks, Refrigerated and Frozen, International, and Foodservice. The Grocery & snacks segment supplies items in shelf-stable form, while Refrigerated and Frozen provides temperature-controlled food. The International segment supplies branded products throughout the globe, while Foodservice serves restaurants with customized culinary products. Its gluten-free products are available under the Grocery and snacks business segment. A host of brands makes up Conagra's portfolio that includes, but is not limited to, iconic brands like Birds Eye, Duncan Hines, and Healthy Choice, and emerging brands like Angie's BOOMCHICKAPOP and Gardein. Formed as a flour-milling company in 1919, the reincorporation of Conagra occurred in 1976. It focuses on renovation and innovating its brands for better and sustainable growth. It mainly concentrates on the U.S. market. Gluten-free Products Industry Recent Developments: In July 2024, the flavors of Ore-Ida and GoodPop, brands of The Kraft Heinz Company, joined forces with frozen novelties in the creation of Fudge n' Vanilla French Fry Pops, which is manufactured using vanilla oat milk, a chocolate fudge shell, crispy potato bits. With strategic placement into the gluten-free category, these two innovative, first-of-their-kind products were expected to place the companies in an excellent position to meet the increasing consumer demand for unique and allergen-friendly snacks March 2024, Garden Veggie, The Hain Celestial Group's brand, introduced Flavor Burst Tortilla Chips. These gluten-free tortilla chips were expected to be available in vegetable-infused flavors like Nacho Cheese and Zesty Ranch. This innovation is expected to help the company grow by providing consumers with healthy and nutritious gluten-free snacking options February 2024, General Mills Inc.'s yogurt brand, Yoplait, also launched Yoplait Original with Chocolate Shavings in Cherry, Raspberry, and Strawberry flavors to add creaminess to this guilt-free treat of real chocolate. These gluten-free product offerings are expected to give the company a competitive edge in the market. Key Questions Addressed by the Gluten-free Products Market Report : What is the current size of the gluten-free products market? What are the key market players, and how intense is the competition? Which region is projected to account for the largest share during the forecast period for the gluten-free products market? What kind of information is provided in the company profile section? What are the growth prospects for the gluten-free products market in the next five years? About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarketsTM has been recognized as one of America's best management consulting firms by Forbes, as per their recent report. MarketsandMarkets is a blue ocean alternative in growth consulting and program management, leveraging a man-machine offering to drive supernormal growth for progressive organizations in the B2B space. We have the widest lens on emerging technologies, making us proficient in co-creating supernormal growth for clients. Earlier this year, we made a formal transformation into one of America's best management consulting firms as per a survey conducted by Forbes. The B2B economy is witnessing the emergence of $25 trillion of new revenue streams that are substituting existing revenue streams in this decade alone. We work with clients on growth programs, helping them monetize this $25 trillion opportunity through our service lines – TAM Expansion, Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy to Execution, Market Share Gain, Account Enablement, and Thought Leadership Marketing. Built on the 'GIVE Growth' principle, we work with several Forbes Global 2000 B2B companies – helping them stay relevant in a disruptive ecosystem. Our insights and strategies are molded by our industry experts, cutting-edge AI-powered Market Intelligence Cloud, and years of research. The KnowledgeStore (our Market Intelligence Cloud) integrates our research, facilitates an analysis of interconnections through a set of applications, helping clients look at the entire ecosystem and understand the revenue shifts happening in their industry. MENAFN16122024003238003268ID1108999872 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.
Feeling rich needn’t cost major money. Bethenny Frankel spotlighted Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm ( $69 $48) in a TikTok highlighting “expensive” items that are “worth it” — but with Cyber Monday bringing major markdowns, the bestselling balm’s not so expensive right now. “I am partial to the original one because it makes me feel like I’m in a botanical spa,” Frankel said of the combination cleanser, makeup remover and moisturizer, which is currently a whopping 30% off during Amazon’s major Cyber Week sales . Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm She also shouted out the rose-scented version — which is swiftly selling out right now — saying it makes her “feel rich and romantic.” Should you prefer something fragrance-free, the brand’s Naked Cleansing Balm ( $69 $48) is on sale as well. Elemis Pro-Collagen Rose Cleansing Balm Elemis Pro-Collagen Naked Cleansing Balm It’s far from the first time Frankel’s praised the brand’s cleansing balms; she’s shared snaps on her Instagram Stories on multiple occasions and even called the original version “the bomb dot com” in another TikTok . Amazon reviewers are just as obsessed with the multitasking skincare staple, given it’s got a 4.5-star average out of over 15,000 total ratings. “I love this product! It leaves my skin hydrated and soft like no other cleanser,” one satisfied shopper raved, while another dubbed it “worth every penny.” Frankel’s not the only star who swears by the stuff, either, as Catherine Zeta-Jones once included it in a shelfie (a shelf selfie, that is) of her go-to beauty products. And Khloé Kardashian’s wrapping some up for the holiday season, as she featured a trio of cleansing balms in a gift guide with Today last year. Whether you’re treating yourself or stuffing stockings with skincare, now’s the time to click “add to cart” before these — and other top Cyber Monday beauty deals — sell out. Black Friday FAQs for savvy shoppers Get ready to online shop ’till you drop on Monday, December 2 , 2024. Keep an eye out for many Cyber Monday deals dropping as early as Saturday or Sunday before. It depends! Some, though not all, retailers approach Black Friday and Cyber Monday differently, offering discounts on varying brands and products over the post-Thanksgiving weekend. Some stores use Cyber Monday as an opportunity to drop further discounts on on-sale items. But beware: if you wait for Cyber Monday to make your purchases, you do risk the chance of products selling out. Right here, at Page Six ! If you’re in the market for celebrity-worthy styles on a budget, luxury beauty and skincare for less, or gifts so good you’ll want to keep them for yourself, check out our expert-curated Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for the best of the best. Why Trust Page Six Style Shopping This article was written by Hannah Southwick , Commerce Writer/Reporter for Page Six Style. Hannah spies deals on actually affordable celebrity-worn styles , puts Hollywood’s favorite labels to the test and finds the beauty products that keep stars red carpet-ready. She consults stylists and industry pros — including celebs themselves — for firsthand product recommendations, trend predictions and more. In addition to writing for Page Six since 2020, her work has been featured in USA Today and Parade.Judge in Alex Jones' bankruptcy case orders new hearing on The Onion's bid for Infowars
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